I've tried to alter my perception, we've talked about it here every christmas, every thanksgiving, but I am here again on 4 July and after I finished work and coffee witha friend I found myself so sad, so lonely.
All the worst feelings come out on the holidays.
I was up early cooking leek soup and semolina, and writing; I have been engrossed in a fun novel.
My gig went well, ex was pleasant and when he just started an anti-religious diatribe he went away and shut up when I told him 'enough'.
Son is watching neighbour fireworks with the dog!
Life couldn't be better except I feel like the only person in the world who never snuggles up on the couch witha partner, never has sex, never plans holiday days with her family. Ex and son won't cooperate, and certainly won't go to church with me on religious holidays.
maybe I won't be there too in future...
Church guy was upset about something yesterday, I wonder if the new senior pastor is rattling him too, he works for him. He's been given a new member of staff and extra budget, but the staff are being pressurised to socialise with the pastor a lot, every week.
He never replied to my email btw, though he clearly mentioned my name to others, they were very loving with me when I stopped by.
I can't be part of a cult though, no way.
I feel cast adrift today...going to go curl up with son for a while, then go drink hot tea and finish my book.
It's all a bit stark sometimes, being a grown-up. I want someone to take care of me!

That comes at a price though doesn't it....maybe
everything does.
Hope everyone else is okay, love to you all.