Hi Friends,
Ya'll are too good to me, but WOW, have I needed your kindnesses. I'm still not hitting on all cylinders. A tiny bit of energy increase day to day.
Nephew is gone. I didn't have to 'invite' him to leave for which I'm thankful. He professes to have gone to get his life and belongings in order. I wish him well.
CFS - that is a leftover from Mono about four years ago. Mono whooped my butt. Its legacy is two bouts with Shingles, achy joints, a spot inside my right chest that feels like a golf ball size molten lava. My doctor says my brain receptors are resistant (his best guess) to pain medications, even the heavy duty ones. So me and Aleve have become good friends.
Mom's ulcer is still just sitting there not doing much. The glued skin tear on her arm is miraculously healing.
Remodel project is about 90% done. Hope to have it ready for a happy renter by July 1.
I'm realizing that so much of my energy is spent trying to keep my mom alive. About others and society at large, I've often said, People need to be given back the right to die. It's easy to make a general statement like that, but for me
in this situation, it's not easy. I feel like it's my responsibility to keep her alive. Will I ever stop being the 'fixer'! Not easy! I'm working on it though. I'm working on adopting the idea that I must, as my brother says, Get ready, it's coming.
My brother and I are working on a July 1 deadline to get her to his house and me either resting here or taking off to a mountain house. It would be nice to just rest here for two weeks, then take off to a retreat for another two. That's what I'm hoping for.
Thanks to each one for extending your best wishes and prayers. You're all precious to me.
Mud and Hops, you two made me smile today with your goofy humor! Thanks.
You must make self-care as much of a priority as other-care. What you've just been through is a 'shot across the bow'. Please, please heed the message.I hear you loud and clear, Storm. I must take care of me.
CB, Thanks for your encouragement.
Iz, Some 'experts' deny that CFS is real. I know that it is. Until I got Mono, I never had joint pain, or the tiredness I experience now. I was beset with it overnight. I went to bed one night joint pain free and woke up aching from head to tow. Even the tissue on my bones ached. Bizarre!
lighter, MS, Ami, you are dear to me. All 'O ya'll are...