Sela, CB, Ami, BAP, Lighter,
What a gift to have this place. It knocks my socks off.
I'll do the "lazy" thing and answer everything at once while sending each of you an enormous hug and by the way, also a tall glass of this deeeeelicious guilt-free cooler I've made myself in a tall glass over lots of ice:
half-glass inexpensive merlot (I found they make tiny bottles that only have a serving & a half...great idea! I like wine but never buy it since it goes bad)
1/4 glass light cranberry cocktail
1/4 glass club soda
It's really really delightful. And is going to fortify me to go downstairs. blast Air America and tackle that tablefull!
I went this a.m. and the gist is:
--She will be staying at least another week or two, perhaps longer, until the MediCare 100 days runs out
--After that, she has to come home or stay there long term
--Long term is $150/day which is more than her income and neither my brother nor I has it
--We might manage again at home if she'll agree to some ground rules (in bed with a book after lunch until I get home, or, her caregiver keeping stricter hours that are set by me, not by Mom's whims)
All else is up in the air but somehow I'm drawing on my inner GS and I will tackle this pile of dreck. Yesterday I decided that while I have the luxury of using the space, I'd really use it. So I blew $7 on a big bouquet of sunflowers, I'm going to move the fancy punch bowl, and set up a dry-erase whiteboard I bought on the sideboard. I'm going to divide it in half, one side for my financial bottom line and one for my mother's, and create a visual aid for myself that will keep it all visual and can be updated every time we pay off something.
Sounds silly but I think this will help me. I have an ability to "go to sleep" when things are in envelopes, piles, and folders....and just "not think about them" (too busy free-associating). So I'm thinking this is worth trying. Once I know where I stand, it's easier to start visualizing ways to cope.
Thank you, all of you. If I had to get an extra job to pay for extra care for her at home (and avoid selling the house) I might even do that.