Author Topic: I need support  (Read 2379 times)


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I need support
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:23:05 PM »
   I'm hoping for some support and understanding for a situation involving a narcissist.  I'm a single male, mid-fifties. This is  a long and complicated story so I will try to drastically abbreviate things.  It involves a social group I joined about ten years ago, the core of which has varied from 15-40 people and many of these people I have known for all these years.   We meet once a week to walk and talk and then have lunch afterwards and plan activities and trips.  Randy (not his real name) and I became best friends and the main people who made things happen.  A few years ago I began to realize that he would never participate in anything that was not his original idea, although he would feign enthusiasm and interest in my ideas up to the very last minute and then find an excuse to beg off.  I should explain that I'm a borderline personality who doesn't have a great deal of "credibility" to begin with because my personality and emotions bounce around a lot  and that he is very charismatic (reminds me of Bill Clinton).  He has an amazing ability to put himself at the center of a social situation and mesmerize people.  He has a sweet angelic face which you would never suspect of nefariousness of any kind. 

       Because he was so unreliable I began to plan activities without his 'partnership,'  but most of these activities always managed to fall apart somehow.  I couldn't understand it because initially enthusiasm would be high and then it would simply evaporate.   I continued to think of him as my best friend, however, while all the time he was sabotaging me behind my back in extremely subtle ways. Without knowing what I was dealing with,  about a year and a half ago I confronted him with my concerns (still believing I could retain his so-called friendship) and his response was to cut me off at the knees.  I was shocked at his coldness.  He was the acknowledged planner for evening cultural activities (while I did weekend getaway things) and he immediately cut me out of the loop.  It was my punishment, I believe, for questioning his false self.  I usually would find out about events that he had excluded me from because it is not possible to keep secrets in a group this size.  He knew this of course.  He also knew about my (BPDs) great fear of abandonment and so this was just downright cruelty. I should say that he is in the counseling field and passes himself off as very caring!

      Even worse he began a slow, secret campaign to completely destroy my credibility with the group in order to get me back in the fold or drive me away, it didn't matter which.  I realize now that he simply can't tolerate to see the truth about himself reflected in the mirror of my eyes.  People I had known for years began to treat me differently.  The social life I had had for many years began to disintegrate and I became an emotional wreck (borderlines have a shaky self-identity to begin with) as I begin to question all of my old friendships and have problems with people I never had problems with before.  If you know about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) you know that we can be triggered easily and have difficulty with emotional regulation when we are upset about something.   A few weeks ago he staged an incident in front of the group to deliberately provoke my anger towards him, which it did.  (It was the first time he had deigned to say one word to me for almost two years).   Afterwards, after all the pitying suggestions that I get some counciling, I realized that he had been talking to people (very "compassionately" of course!) about my 'anger management problems"  and that the whole scene had been a setup. Then I got an email from a close mutual friend that laid it all out: I was hurting other people who were mutual friends,  I needed to get counselling for my anger because "all the anger is on your side,  he's never said anything against you, he's not trying to cause YOU problems with the group, (I have said things to defend myself, like calling him a liar) I should stop trying to drive HIM away, I should stop trying to punish HIM"--in short everything flipped completely upside down!   He has persuaded nearly everyone in this group that I'm an angry, vindictive basket case and that he's a compassionate angel. Truly crazy-making stuff.  Thank you for caring and listening.


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Re: I need support
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 06:55:08 PM »
Welcome wiltay!

Damn it! I HATE hearing things like this, that Ns get  away with!!!!

1.) Do you want to continue in this group and   2.) expose him?

In my opinion, from my experience, but I didn't know they were Ns, they won out! That's bad news but .....IF I had known about N-ism I might have acted differently

One! my son-in-law , now ex, destroyed the relationship s between my daughter and me.
Two! I lived with an N for 4 years, went through all the crazymaking then left him!

I have been on my own now for 5 years. I am in therapy because all my life was a trauma.

Do you feel traumatized enough to seek professional help?
Are you mad enough to print off 40 copies of what a Narcissist is, and pass them around at the next get together, with or wiothout a picture!!

Take Care


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Re: I need support
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 07:35:58 PM »
 should say that he is in the counseling field and passes himself off as very caring!

 My mother is a therapist who is a complete NPD. My friend, you are in the right place. he sounds like he "fits In just fine" to be an N.
  You are hurt, shocked and grieving. All these feelings further point to the fact that he is an N. N's are classic in getting you to doubt your reality. When, they are done with you, you are apologizing to them for the horror that they did to YOU.
  This is classic N, also.
  You are in the right place. You have found people that understand "behavior" which is really "not understandable'.
   The only way to "live" with this type of behavior is to become  very sick inside   I am really glad that you are here . you can regroup yourself after this terrible shock                                        Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I need support
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 08:26:35 PM »
Hello wiltay and welcome!

Wow!  Your story sure rings a few bells in my head!  Are these people all from the same mold or what?

Anyhow, so sorry for your pain and confusion, right now.  It's no fun.  Not fair either!  There is nothing quite as tough to ride through as betrayal, imo (like a wicked storm eh?  It shakes our insides up and turns them upsidedown!).  Who needs friends like that in their life?  You are much better off knowing the truth about these people (even though I bet it doesn't feel like it right now?).

Are there any other social groups in your area?  Maybe you could switch to a new group?  Make some new friends...... enjoy a few new outings......  away from that backstabber and his followers?

Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to be optimistic and say everything will be ok..... logic tells me this is a situation in which you will have to make the changes, as people like your "best friend" just repeat what they do, over and over to victim after victim.  I suppose you could stick around and blend into the woodwork and try to quietly repair your credibility but much fun is that going to be?  What kind of social outing are you going to enjoy with this group and this person who has violated your trust so fully?

I'm sorry all of that happened and wish I could offer you something really helpful.  It just seems in cases like yours (and mine, which also involves betrayal and a total destruction of my credibility)..... the best thing might be to walk away.....start over.....let them play with eachother like pawns.....and live your life in serenity (once you recover from these events).



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Re: I need support
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 08:56:51 PM »

Welcome!  If you read for awhile, you will see that many of us have had these kinds of experiences and they are no fun.  I can tell from your post that you arent really asking how to fix the situation.  I suppose you know that you can't fix an N--they dont think that anything is wrong with them, and you will never convince them otherwise.  But we are happy to listen and support you!

The next question is: how are YOU?  You mentioned several times in your post that you are BPD.  How do you know that?  Are you going to a therapist?  What kind of therapy are you having to help you cope with life in a different way?  Sounds as though your N-friend saw you coming and all your weaknesses as well.  You deserve better.  I hope that you will work on getting healthy so that you are strong within yourself and not easily shaken.

You will find many sympathetic people here who have been where you are...


When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: I need support
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 09:09:59 PM »
Welcome Wiltay,
Sounds like an N to me! I'm so sorry you've been treated like this. Sounds like Randy HAS to be the center of attention. Seems like he has picked YOU as his target/scapegoat.
Most people would just say "pick a new group of friends", but if you are like ME, you won't stop until you drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what the heck the "deal" is.
First thing you have to understand is: THIS SITUATION WILL NEVER MAKE SENSE.
So stop trying to figure out his motives & reasons.
I have an raging NMother & I've had to learn that the hard way.
Stop trying to make your other friends "see" what he's up to. They will not be able to unless & until they have to suffer Randy's wrath. Randy is a chameleon.
So, just keep on posting & get this stuff out of your system.
This is a safe place & we all know what you are going through!
Your new friend,
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
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Re: I need support
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 09:12:16 PM »

I don't know much but I do know what it feels like to lose circles of friends .... to feel like you have become an emotional wreck.  I know what it is like to have the N's in your life convince everyone that you are the angry and disturbed one and that they are victimized angels.  It is so hard.  But it is NOT true.  You sound like a sensitive soul with great depth. What a mess the N circumstance creates in the mind.  How it throws your self confidence so out of balance.

 I haven't been on this board long, but I have sure appreciated the kindness I have found here.  And for the opportunity to think outloud a bit.  I hope you find the support you need.  Kind of sounds like you are having normal reactions to abnormal situations -- like my therapist is always telling me.  Hope to learn from you.  Welcome.



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Re: I need support
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 11:16:53 PM »
Welcome Wiltay and a big hug (((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))),
Your friend sounds very mean and N-like. I think you should also not be assuming you are less stable than anyone else because of your BPD. Plenty of people here and elsewhere live just find and feel normal with BPD. And many of us without BPD suffer from anxiety and self-questioning. The issue was not you, but the fact that your friend did not respect you and treat you as a friend.
What are your goals now? To have people see you as your normal self now and not as he portrayed you? To have a relationship with him (I hope not)?
Please write more as many here can help.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams

sea stormr

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Re: I need support
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 12:15:04 AM »
Welcome to the board. It is so rare to find any help outside of this place for the kind of manipulation and slander you have experienced.  I am so sorry this happened to you.

Writing your story here is a good step toward banishing  the scourge of the narcissist.  If you are anything like the people here, myself included, you are blown away by the offhanded cruelty by your so called friend.
You don't have to be borderline or whatever to be heartbroken, traumatized and humiliated by these manipulations. They are devastating.

Good to hear from you.

Sea storm


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Re: I need support
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 01:47:37 AM »
You people are wonderful!  I thank you all for your kindness and consideration, your sensitive observations and words of wisdom gained the hard way.  I no longer feel so strange and alone.  I was diagnosed with BPD by a therapist when I was 24.  I think it fits me in most ways, but not the extremes.  My mother was a borderline and my sister is as well, both of them far more afflicted  than I.  I am so tired of this.  I haven't slept in weeks and I believe you have given me the peace of mind I need to give it a rest.  I can't thank you enough for that!  I will return, I don't know when, to try to give something back. 



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Re: I need support
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 02:09:42 AM »

I believe you cannot win with Ns. They have no morals and will sink to the deepest depths to make themselves look good.  He knows how he has hurt you and this give him power.  From my experience once they identify a victim they keep hammering away breaking you piece by piece.  My concern is for your welfare.  Being in the Ns orbit is a dangerous and soul destroying place.  I realise that much of your social life is caught up with this group.  Can you try and spread you social life to other groups and have less time with the N.  You must protect yourself.

Keep posting



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Re: I need support
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 08:01:32 AM »
Dear Wiltay,
   You sound like such a dear person. What hit me after reading the posts and hearing you say that you could not "sleep" was to (perhaps) re frame the situation in your mind. In other words, use this pain and awful betrayal as a springboard to build up your 'core" .   Something in you" needed" a Randy(perhaps).Maybe, he made you feel significant and worthwhile. Something in you,now, feels that it was your fault.    These types of "lacks in ourselves set us up as prey for a vicious N like Randy.
   I hear a "shame " in you for the BP.     IMO, BP is only a "name". Chinese medicine does not even see "diseases". It sees imbalances. When the imbalance is restored the mental and physical problem leaves. I don't go to therapists or I could have been diagnosed with"them all".( I think). It is only a name and a slice in time(IMO)
  I see it simply as "pain"
  Anyway. reject any of what I said if it does not fit or does not fit now                 Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I need support
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 08:23:35 AM »


I hope you'll come back soon and give us a followup on how things are progressing. 

Here's a link I copied a long time ago when I was in the intense shake down period of my own recovery from being raised by an N.   I"m not BPD, but I found the link helpful.

I send my best to you and look forward to hearing from you again.


Certain Hope

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Re: I need support
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 08:47:07 AM »
Dear Wiltay,

As you say:  "I realize now that he simply can't tolerate to see the truth about himself reflected in the mirror of my eyes."

There is no "live and let live" with NPD... no sharing, no truth.

This man is an emotional toddler and you took his toy - that is intolerable to him.
He had the temper tantrum, but you're the one with anger issues? I think not!

I'm so sorry you've encountered such a manipulator.
But you know... an even sorrier thing to me is the way the others seemingly fell for his lies and it sounds like only one had the integrity to communicate with you directly about the issues. This is all so typically NPD... and frustrating as all get-out.
It occurs to me now that - having been through the same sort of character assassination with NPD ex-husband, I would never again engage in an argument against an N's lies... only continue to walk in the truth and let the witness of my own behavior speak for itself.
I'm trying to picture myself hearing such lies (again) and replying calmly, with surprise, "That makes no sense - I can't imagine why he would say such things about me."  That's the approach I took with ex-N in court and he was soon proven to be a liar to the Nth degree. 

You do indeed sound like such a sweet person and I hope that you're now able to rest at night and receive reassurance from the fact that you're not the problem, you didn't create the problem, and you are most definitely not alone.

I hope you'll be back soon, when it's possible, to let us know how you're doing.