Thank you Ami for the very kind words. You have hit the nail on the head. I find myself wanting to retreat back into my shell. I hate confrontation! I know, as someone just mentioned, that we are ALL hurting to a certain degree, so i guess there's bound to be confrontation. All day long I was telling myself; "Look! You haven't been on this board for a MONTH & you've made someone upset!" STUPID STUPID STUPID. Yeah, I realize I type in capps alot. I guess it's just all this repressed emotion coming out, so please look over that.
Alot of posts I look at before I hit send & think :Boy, you are so whiny! Try to be POSITIVE!
But, I'm not at that stage yet. I hope to be soon. I try to give others positive feedback.
But, the other part of me says tell them you are hurting. Don't leave the best thing that's happened to you in forever. ARRRGGG! I am trying so hard not to hit the delete button. I don't wan't to post this. Dang it! I am not a victim! I don't NEED all this reassurance. STOP IT!
GHrow up! People sometimes disagree, right? And here comes the "Get Over It!" that i've been hearing all of my life. Now, THIS IS NOT WHAT I THINK YOU ARE SAYING. This is what I'm saying to myself. I'll be OK. I have to be, right? I can't crumble over every little thing that is said to me. That's the OLD me. I want to change. I want to be different. I had a friend that kept telling me that I've got to "get a thick skin". DUH? Like I don't know that.
I guess it's one step up & 2 steps back.
OK, people, it's taking alot of courage to post this. But here goes.