Certain Hope,
You resonate with what happened to me. BUT you say that you don't think your H is N "anymore". What happened? Why don't you think so? Do you think he improved, or do you think he wasn't in the first place? This is a VERY interesting topic for me - please do post more when you can. Being back with my H - I have alot of fear about the future. So sorry you had to deal with the stormy weather of the day and the stormy moods of your "n"?
Hi Dandylife,
Different husband

!!! ! !! ! Ex was most definitely, beyond any shadow of a doubt, NPD + who knows what else.
I remarried shortly after that fiasco and now am busily trying to learn what "normal" looks like... lol

but I do feel that this is it!
I'm sorry, I don't really know your history... you are back with your NPD husband after a separation/divorce, I take it.
I was able to get ex out of our home once... when he'd kicked a hole clean through our bedroom door. At the time, I thought that he was borderline personality disordered and quickly felt sorry for him (and myself) and fetched him back home. Needless to say, that did not go well.
His behavior did improve for about 6 months, but then rapidly declined into increasingly bizarre and disturbing incidents. When the sadistic aspects of his mentality became more obvious, I knew that we were dealing more than bpd. Once he realized that I was reading and learning about NPD, his mask was off and that was the end of all pretense. He was downright nasty, wouldn't leave, and finally threatened me with a knife.
I hope that you don't have any reason to fear that sort of violence... but I also know that the emotional and mental abuse leave scars, as well.
(((((((Dandylife))))))) be safe.
With love,