Hi Dawning,
Thanks for the mini-tour you just took me on. I fantasised I was in Mexico. I've never been there but it's one place I'd love to go to.
The picture I get of your mother's effect on you sems to me to be why you get overcome with inertia when you think of making plans and of going home. It sounds like the thought of her brings on a bout of emotional fatigue in you. I know mine does, plus a very sexy (all flushed and pulse racing) little panic attack to boot.
I've noticed that about some of our mothers. We're like 'private property' to them. And the 'keep out' part is actually directed at us. ""Don't tamper with or dare to be anything other than what I permit."
They've stamped their brand on us. They don't see us as individuals WITH EVEN A RIGHT TO HAVE different tastes and views and our own rights.

I know mine doesn't.
Or they twist it and accuse us of not being genuine. We are only being different, being like this to get back at them or emabarrasss them. Now that one really makes me fume.

It couldn't possibly be for the real reason, could it mother???? It couldn't be that I like who I am and I'm like this for me!!
She sees me as some extension of herself, so it makes sense in that light that I'd be wasting my time if I go into a shop she doesn't like.
Wildflower mentioned visiting one of her mum's friends with her mum. The friend asked Wildflower would she like some milk. Wildflower asked what type it was, was it whole milk or non-fat? Her mum nagged her all the way home for being rude, inconsiderate, impolite or insulting. One of those.
And I think it's so hard when we've had to fight with this 'ownership and extension of them' mentality our whole childhood, hell our whole lives.
And in trying to define (& hopefully eventually defining) 'WHO WE ARE', we find your parents or family reject and/ or resist it vehemently. I think N spouses do this too. We have to think, speak, act, eat, damn well bloody be just like them if we want to avoid ripples or cyclones.
These people who've tried to cripple us IF WE DARE TO BE DIFFERENT are so frickin' mentally fragile and weak, that they can only stand to see themselves and their preferences when they look at us. Otherwise (aghast emoticon) they have failed themselves in the task of genetically reproducing themselves.
It's such a completely preposterous, narrow-minded, shallow, superficial, arrogant, nonsense, ignorant destructive way of thinking. And I can't believe that it happens.
I love the differences in my children. I don't want them to be like me, eat like me, dress like me, think like me. I use your example of the joy of travel and going to interesting places with history, and meeting experiencing different cultures, tasting and enjoying local cuisine.
Why can't some parents embrace the differences in their children and learn and grow themselves from watching their children develop. All children, I believe, are gifted with their own unique personality from conception. What a tragic loss if it's not cultivated and encouraged!!!!!
My mother's rejection or resistance of me now as an adult isn't what bothers me. I am who I am, and I'm working to become who I want to be, and not her or anyone else is going to get in my way. It's my RIGHT Damn It! But what I really resent is the momentary loss of energy and enthusiasm that I find I'm robbed of when I get trapped in an 'I find you unacceptable' (Dan Akroyd in 'Coneheads') scenario.
It's frustrating, like being 'detoured' all the time. I feel like my journey gets set back all the time. Aaaahhhh. Good vent, good vent!! Thanks Dawning. Thanks for posting.