You just said, in a nutshell, what I was trying to convey. I like to feel like someone at least acknowledges what the thread was meant to be about, even if the topic is diverted eventually. It would be nice, if, before someone posted to other people about my thread topic, they at least gave a little comment like, "yeah, Laura, I see what you mean by ________"
Thank you for this thread, Laura. And I agree with what you've said above... it would be nice.
For me, with generally not much time to spend here on the board, if I'm reading a post that's #20-something on a thread, I may only respond to that one if it registers something with me... and not get all the way back to the original post. But in general, yeah... it seems right to me that the original poster's concerns should be the focus of the thread, and not the side issues which might develop along the way. Usually, it seems that those side issues do spin off into a new thread, in time, but with so many folks posting - it may take awhile to get that all organized.
But I appreciate this thread because, for me, it's good to stop to "feel" what's behind all the thinking, since that process has so often been stopped short.
To me, hijacking is a deliberate act, like when someone boards a plane and purposefully alters its course (and that of all the passengers aboard). So unless someone has established a pattern of doing that, and unless it feels to me that they're deliberately trying to silence me in order to draw the focus toward themselves, I don't feel any offense.
Here on this board, I enjoy and value the exchange of thoughts and feelings. I think it'd be a great loss to all of us to try to put a stopper in the natural flow and mandate a new thread, for instance, for each new insight which may come to light during the course of a response.
Face to face, I often didn't say anything at all, but always seemed to be an accessory to discussions. I'd be the one nodding and smiling and showing appreciation, never thinking that anything I'd have to say was worthy of much notice. In fact, I'd try to avoid notice.
My voice was always quite soft, so if I did speak up, people often didn't hear... and it was more painful to me to be called upon to repeat myself than to simply remain unnoticed.
With the people in my family, I could be a bit more vocal, but it didn't matter. They are all quite loud and "in your face", so no matter what I might have to say, it was quickly overpowered by their thoughts and views. It's funny, I even learned to pause at about the point where I was so accustomed to being interrupted and over-ridden. With my husband now, I could see what I was doing... because he would "interrupt" (after all, I'd given him a break in discussion just for that purpose... lol) And with him, because I feel safe in doing so and there were things I really wanted to be able to say... I discovered that I don't like being interrupted!

And I said so. And we both tackled that little "problem" together... and I notice now that I can complete alot more sentences without those long pauses. The thoughts are always there, complete... I'd just gotten so used to having them cut short, for a lifetime, I never really expected to be allowed to finish them.
Anyhow, about these threads... no, I don't mind a bit if the topic changes and morphs and takes on a new life. To me, that's what makes it interesting and... educational! But in real life, I've had to learn to project my voice, to not be "talked over", to not stand idly by and let others interrupt incessantly, if that is their habit. Oh, my son (11) is a classic interrupter. He's such a sweetheart, but this is a bad habit he has... and he talks alot!! !! ! Working with him on this, because I'm dealing with someone whom I love so very much, has really helped me to not take offense at it, but see it as just another inclination some folks have - nothing personal (usually) - and it can be overcome.
Hope you have a great time working the fair, Laura. And thanks again for the chance to take a look at this.
With love,
[on edit - removed duplicate quote]