I have to write about my father.. He arrived here in my city. He is staying in a hotel. He called me. I got a really funny feeling about it. He did not sound like a contrite person wanting to connect with a "lost" daughter who he has not seen for 7 years. He seemed "evil" in the way that Peck writes about it in People of the Lie'
I got the sense of the movie character with a smile,but who is hiding the evil inside. If this is so, it is so horrible ,beyond words. I feel like the character in Rosemary's Baby'. She kept trying to find someone to help her. . Finally, she thought that she had found somone to help her. He was a doctor-well dressed, well spoken, in a nice office ... She finally got to his office and was breathing hard and thanking God that she was finally O.K. Then,it turned out that he was a bad guy, too.
I feel like I am in Rosemary's Baby. I feel sick all over. I would like to tell my father not to come over. Then,my H will probably go behind my back and betray me. IF what I am feeling is real, I am dealing with evil. I hope that it is not . My body feels like it is, though.
If I did not have God, I could never, ever, ever face this . Knowing that you are there, Dear Friends really helps. 'Regular people ( even Maria) don't understand N's. My older son worked with an N for 8 months. She practically destroyed him.After that , he understood about my Mother. Very few people get how destructive N's are . Janet, your comments started me thinking about this. I really, really hope that it is not true. Love Ami