Regarding the frustration that comes with waiting when with an N...I WOULD RATHER ALMOST DIE THAN WAIT!
I married an n'istic man whose first name is PROCRASTINATION. His middle name is DELUSION. His last name is DENIAL!!!
First, he doesn't pay bills on time and then claims he didn't have the money to. He tells people he's going to be there, yet decides that they will understand when he doesn't show up (and, if not, SO) He makes suggestions about "well we could make this or do that," yet NEVER ACTS ON IT until I nag him into it.
H believes that if he doesn't confront an issue, it will just take care of itself. Our daughters used to PULVERIZE one another, and, when I'd tell him to go deal with them, he'd say "it's just sible rivalry" (his grammar SUCKS too, which annoys me to no end) He also has a favorite saying when I try to address issues that are bad..."It's over and done with, just forget about it. What good does bringing it up do."
Now, as far as denial, his statement, when I tell him that our daughter was nasty to me or said something flippant, is "I didn't hear anything. I didn't see it."