Thanks CB and Kelly,
CB I will make sure that I check more carefully in to nutritional deficiencies-. -- Thank you for that.
Dear Kelly. thanks for those wise words
Last night , I had this HUGE insight . I was sitting at the kitchen table with my F, two sons and H. All of a sudden , I realized that I do not see life with my own eyes. I have a template that screens life for me. I remembered a time when I was about 14 ,on a trip. I felt real and whole. I looked at life--- as it was. I saw people, their faces, their expressions, etc as they were. I could receive the data as it was. At that moment at the table, I saw life as "real.".. I thought,"I can see life as it is. I don't need any "theory". For me. studying Psychology got me more away from my own reality. I "took" their theories as "my truth" , and abandoned my truth. I had probably already abandoned it before with my mother,but studying Psychology added to it.Also, for me, therapy gave me an "outside truth"Therapy ,for me, took me more away from my gut.( This is just my voice-)
I think that these physical symptoms,such as dizziness, is my body readjusting after all these years of denial. I am starting to be able to see without glasses. My recurrent dream was that I could not see.
My other recurrent dream was that I was abandoned at different places. I am facing that I am alone.
The other thing that I am seeing is that I was trying to navigate life without loving myself. This made me need other people as a "fuel" for life. When, we say "supply" for the N, I realized that I needed supply, too. My life used to consist of me trying to look good, on the outside, so I would get compliments. Then I would feel 'real". Then , I would feel that I had value. I needed those reassurances that I was 'real".Other than when people defined me,I did not feel "real". I have so many clothes, shoes, makeup, pocket books,jewelry etc so that I can look "good" and then I could get compliments and feel 'real" for a short time, at least That is putting my sense of self completely in other people's hands. It is a burden for them and an unworkable solution for me.This reminds me of Lupita's and Steves' threads. Steve is owning his own space -- mind and body. He is living out of his core. Life works when you do it that way
I started a thread when I first got here about 'Rules for Life-- NPD style. It did not resonate with too many people. However, I am answering my own question,now. I am relearning the rules for life. I am slowly going back and reclaiming what my M stole from me .I think that I am realizing that she could not help it,.. I want to put her in a box where I can keep her and go forward. I really don't think that she could help her thinking process. Vakinin says that the NPD has a punitive Superego and an Id ,but little Ego. The ego is the sense of self.. The Ego allows us to love ourselves and value ourselves. I am re-living times when I was whole and taking back the parts of me that I abandoned.
I just have to go through these uncomfortable sensations, I think. Love Ami