Hope - I have looked at BPD symptoms in the past and again today. Some I'm sure don't apply, several I don't have a clue, but the ones I do see are also crossover to NPD. When I first started trying to figure out what I was dealing with, I thought Pathological Liar, (with a very vivid imagination) but that didn't seem to fit with other quirks that I'd seen or heard.
I then moved on to Sociopath and Psychopath and I recognized more symptoms but not enough, (at least that I new of) and my feeling was "naw, that's not it". These searches were off and on over the years whenever she did something really weird. What brought me to NPD started in May this year. My Bday is May 6, the rural FD has a BBQ fund raiser every year
and for a few years now I have had S on that day and we have gone. She and I love BBQ, and it's more of a huge rural community picnic. She has a blast playing on the trucks and running around with the kids while the adults visit. This year the BBQ was on May 5, starting at 5:00 pm. I didn't have S that weekend but would have her all day for my Bday. Had S
Tue. before BBQ, when dropping her off I asked mom if I could have S Evening of BBQ instead of Bday as S enjoys the BBQ. Mom asked S if she wanted to do that. S said "yes". Mom asked when it was and I said it started at 5:00 and that I would like to pick her up around 4:00 - 4:30. Mom said, "I'll have to think about what time works best and let you know."
( In the 12 years I have known her, she has never made a normal quick decision, it's always "I'll let you know", "I'll have to get back with you on that", on and on.) 2:30 pm May 5
the phone rings, caller ID says it's the mom-Me-Hello Her-S DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU! Me- Why is that? Her- SHE JUST DOESN'T! Me -I thought we had plans, can I speak to her? Her- NO Me - why not? Her- she's at J house and I called her to see if she wanted to go to the BBQ and she said no. I said "fine" and hung up.Next Tues. I had S and asked her why she didn't want to go to the BBQ. All I got was a blank stare and no answer. I said mom told me you were at J house playing with A & H (S neices) 14 & 13 and that she called and asked if you wanted her to pick you up to go to the BBQ and that you said "no".Another blank stare. I asked,"Your mother did call didn't she?". S said "Yes, she just asked if I was having fun and to give the phone to J." She looked a little sad and said, "I forgot about the BBQ." I told her that was OK as long as she was having fun. Asked if G spent the weekend at J house too, she said no and that J had a really bad headache so she stayed in her bedroom all weekend.
May 22- Tues. dropped S off, reminded mom that S had dental check up May 25 at 3:00 pm ( mom has never taken any of her kids to the dentist, so I take S), it's my weekend starting 4:30 on the 25th, so I tell her that I need to pick S up at 2:30. She says, "I'll call and let you know". May 25- 2:15 pm, haven't heard from mother, so I call her. I remind her of the dentist appointment. She says, "SHIT, THAT'S TODAY? S said it was next Friday." She drops S off and we make it on time only to find out that we both need a filling.
May 29- Tues. dropped S off. Reminded mom that S had dental appointment June 1 2:00 pm (mine was at 3:00 pm). She gave me a dumb look and said, "You have her Friday, that's when your vacation starts." (9 days, 1st week of June beginning the Friday before at 4:30 pm) I said , "Yes, but her appointment is at 2:00, I'll have to pick her up early."
She said, "I'll have to call you."
June 1- Mom calls 1:00 pm, asks, "When are the appointments?" I tell her 2:00 and 3:00. She asks, "Which one is S? I say it doesn't matter and that S usually goes first. She says, "OK, I'll take S at 2:00." I tell her fine and figured that she wasn't going to let me have S until 4:30. (This would be typical) I get to dentist at 3:00, hoping S and mom would be there and that mom would leave S with me then. Nope, gone. Get done. go to the drop off/pickup place at 4:30, no mom and S. Waited awhile called her cell, someone answered and hung up, tried several more times, no answer, left message that I was at the Junction. (exchange point) Waited 45 min. (the grace period). Headed for home madder than hell!
Half way home she calls- Me-Hello Her-(laughing)"YOUR WHERE!?" Me-I was at the Junction but I'mon the way home now. My vacation was suppose to start today. Her-"That's what I thought too, but then S reminded me it doesn't until next week so I checked the paper work and she was right." Me-No, it starts today. Her-"Well, I'm sure it's next week. I'll
check the calander again and if I'm wrong I'll bring her right out to your house. Let me check and I'll call you right back." She never called back. I tried her a few times but her phone was shut off.
Blaming S, so blatantly, is something new. I was maaaaad and started searching for a reason she was doing that. Somewhere along the way I came across Characteristics of Narcissistic Mothers and it was like, BINGO! It covered everything that I had witnessed over the years and some that I suspected. This was June 3.
June 5- Tues. Picked up S. Told her that I found something on the internet that might help her understand her mother. Got home and as I read and explained, her eyes were as big as silver dollars.
Hope - This is when she started telling me about her life with mom. As I read each section I would talk to her about it as most of the wording is way over her head, some over mine too. When I would get done I would ask her if mom was like that at home. Her response to the majority of the characteristics was "Uuuh, huh" (Yes)
2 Highlights were (1) She screams and yells at S and G a lot and says she is going to break their things. (In 12 years I have never seen her raise her voice to any of her kids.)
I asked S why her mom did that and she said, "I don't know" I asked were you doing something wrong? She said, "No." (2) Bathroom thing- when I got to that I just asked her if her mom ever looked at her poop or pee. She looked kind of shocked and said "no". I said the reason I'm asking is because when G was about 8 I was at moms' house sitting at the kithen table with her when G and one of his pals came blasting in the house and G went straight to the bathroom and closed the door. Your mom jumped up from the table and went in the bathroom, poor G was sitting on the pot and his pal started laughing and yelled," D (mom), WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" She never said a word, closed the door and stayed until they both came out. G never said a word and his pal and I just looked at each other. Mom sat back down and we went back to talking. It was weird, but to G and mom it seemed natural. About 3 years ago, mom called one morning and said she was tking S to the Dr. I asked why and she said that she thought S had a urinary tract infection. I asked why she thought that. She said that S pee smelled funny. I asked if she smelled her kids pee. She hung up. She did take S to the Dr. and she had a mild sinus infection. When I got the insurance paperwork there was a 30.00 charge for urinalysis lab work that the insurance wouldn't pay because it was a sinus infection diagnosis. The mom insisted the Dr. do a urinalysis test. After I explained these to S ,I asked if her mom watched her go to the bathroom. She said , "No.............she always comes in the bathroom." I asked her if mom always goes in the bathroom with G and she shook her head "Yes".
I would tell more but I've been here long enough!!!!
In Kansas the court will listen to a 12 y/o at the Judges discretion.
I doubt that I would ever get custody. In Kansas the law says that emotional and physical abuse are equal. It's all about the Judge, if he can't see the damage it doesn't exist unless a 3rd party professional can convince him/her. If S went to therapy and the therapist went, "Holy cow, I've got to get this kid out of there!!!!! JUDGE, JUDGE, JUDGE" The Judge
would take a look at the mom and her other 3 smiling, complacent, compliant kids and go, "No way, there must be a mistake here."
My concern is for S and less for custody right now.
mof4- Thanks, It's like I always tell S, "Your a super duper daughter, the best one I have!" She grins and says,"I'm the only daughter you have!" I say , "So, if I had 10 you would all be super duper daughters, the best ones I have!" I try not to be a "therapist" but I always try to explain things to S when they occur.
Thanks for your help Alan