Hope and Hops (kinda sounds like a dysfunctional frog doesn't it?) Grades? S finished 4th with a 3.88 GPA. (First year they use actual grades here) I'm hopig she continues to do well. Because of her other family I have expressed the importance of education to her. I have always asked if her mother does "homework" with her and it's always been "no."
Not even ABC cards or math flash cards. Even spelling list that were sent home, mom would have her go over the word the morning of the test before she went to school. I explained to S that was great for short term recall, but you didn't learn the word. In 4th, this past year, she asked her mom for help with math and mom said,"I don't get it." S loves to read and she has several Scholastic Reader books and maybe some of you have noticed this too, the grammer in a lot of those books "sucks" for a child learning to read. One of S big joys is when I get a new Readers' Digest Condensed Book because she knows she will get to read with me in my bed at night and partake in a big bag of Peanut M&Ms. I have always known that S didn't have any personal posessions at her mothers' (everything is "ours") (Is this common?) So at our house, you could say that she is fully "complemented" with her own stuff. Yes, she has books, bookcase and fun bookmarks!
I had S today from 8am to 7pm. To give you an idea of our time together we started with Biscuits & Gravy and Banana Cream pie (It's alway good to have fruit with breakfast) (Right?) Went fishing until before lunch. (Been taking her fishing since she was 2.5) (We keep Bass, Catfish, Bullheads and release in our ponds at home.) Sand I like salads, so went to a local greenhouse and got tomatos and cucumbers to go with lettuce, cheese, potato salad, cottage cheese, Ranch for her and Thousand Island for me. I showed her this Board and told her that I'd been talking to several grown ups who had Ns in their lives and that they had really helped me understand what that was like. I told her that i had a thread on here where I had been talking about her and her family, but didn't show it to her. I did read her some select posts from the "Learning about sex from Mum" thread.
Mostly on clothes ,hair and bras. I talked with her in general terms about mom,sisters and brother and how they all interact. All of this ate into her swimming pool time about 1 hour and it didn't bother her at all! I think for once that I have been able to talk to her from a point of understanding and not just saying there's something wrong with Mom.
She actually was interestd in what I had to say and what you all had to say to each other. It sort of took the "You don't have a clue what your talking about,Dad." aspect out of the conversation. She still got 2 hours at the pool.
I told her that I had three questions I wanted her to answer real fast. "Do you love your Mom?" Yes "Do you want your Mom to love you?" Yes "Does your Mom love you?" No
She looked shocked to hear herself say that. I had her ask me the same questions and I answered yes to all three. We talked about M and how she had kept coming back to mom and being hurt. (She has seen this and realizes what is going on but doesn't know why. I explained that J, M, and G were like her, they all loved Mom, wanted Mom to love them but weren't getting what they wanted and needed.
For supper we grilled hamburgers and had corn on the cob. S shucked and cleaned the corn, set the table, poured the milks, got all the stuff out of the fridge, put the burgers on
the buns, tomato, relish,ketchup.
I was outside grilling and when I came inside between flips , she had the table all set and had done a very thorough job of it (not typical), she said with a big smile on her cute little face, "I did a good job didn't I, Dad?" I said, "Why yes, I believe you did!" After we ate ,she said that I had fixed a great supper and I told her that she fixed most of it. After reveiw we agreed it was a 70%-30% effort in her favor!
She always sets the table and we always fix our meals together and it's always fun. I would say the meals were always good , but I sorta remember something about some stuffed green peppers, maybe a few other things!
My point being, for some reason she took exceptional pride in what she'd done and went fishing for a little extra acknowledgement, which I was more than happy to do!
I believe that all of you haved helped me work with S on her level and terms for a change, and I sincerely thank you.
Bless you all Alan