Thank You for the replies-Spyrella- I think it would do her good also as I know she has alot to say, but just not to me. If that makes sense.
CB- I'm happy your kids have gained from therapy. My daughter (S) isn"t allowed to have friends at her mothers, not allowed to participate in summer activities,
not even to the pool. She has friends where I live that spend weekends here on the farm, camping, fishing, going to fairs and such. She seems to openly talk to her friends about wanting to live with me and about her general unhapiness at moms. I know this because her friends tell me, but when I try to talk to S about it
she goes blank and won"t say a word. Frustrating. I always thought her mom (after the first few months) was kind of weird. When I first met her she was happy, smiling, jovial. Had a 5.5 y/o son with ex husband. Kid always seemed happy around mom. Heard 100 stories about how horrible the ex was to her and son. Heard 200 stories about how horrible sons' stepmother was to him. I didn"t know either and her stories were so compelling and tragic that nobody could be making that up. The more I sympathized, the worse the stories got. Went down the line from ex to ex to boyfriend. All fathers of her children. The whole time she seemed so nice. The nature of her tales all centered around sexual deviation and violence. Couldn"t help feeling sorry. Yes, I learned. She has isolated her children completely. 2 oldest daughters, (J) 32 and (M) 31 have had no contact with paternal families since birth. Son (G) 17 hasn't seem paternal side for a year now. Don't know why. S says he wants to. The mothers' siblings have nothing to do with her or her kids. Her parents are dead. The mother has been working, cleaning a sorority house for nearly a year now and always takes S to work with her. The son (golden) does whatever he wants.
Hope- We share joint custody, so I don't have to inform the mother. When S was 4.5 y/o we were driving through town and she said out of nowhere "Dad, I want to live with you." I replied, "That's great Sugar, would really like that. Why don't you ask your mother if that's OK." Yeah, I learned. A week later a deputy was knocking on my door asking if I want a lawyer present for this. The mother had filed abuse charges against me for hitting her and knocking her down and holding my daughter down while she was crying and screaming when the mother had come to pick S up. The deputy, female, said don't worry, nothing will come of this. She asked if I'd thought about taking S to a psychologist and I said no, why, do you think I should. She shook her head and said yes. But would not tell me why. Deputy told mother they weren't going to persue the charge. I thought it was over. Wrong. She goes to SRS (CPS) they file protection from abuse order against me for mom and S. I get lawyer, go to court (lost visitation for 5 weeks), judge asks mom what happened and in 30 seconds contridicted her story 3 times. Judge says, "Know what, I'm just going to dismiss this." Mother walks out of court smiling. Not me. It's now on the official court and SRS records that Iv'e been accused of abuse. I belive that's all she was after. Thanks for your concern Hope. My concern lies more with my daughter than me. However, I know that I can't help her from jail or without visitation, so I try to be careful.
Bless you all