Just wanted you to know that I don't feel any pressure from you... as though you expect someone else to figure this out for you.
I understand the need to pour it all out here... that's a good thing. It helps. When I pour out my responses, they come from my own perspective, which is admittedly very limited and based solely on my own experience. That's all anyone can do here, I think.
I have a dual perspective on this... first, the family in which I was raised is similar to your husband's family in some ways, as far as the "Christian - we can do no wrong - aren't we all just so happy and good and close, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah."
But then for 15 years I dealt with my in-laws who were non-Christian - we can do no wrong - aren't we all just so close and happy and supportive of each other and if you see truth about us, then you're the wrong one, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah"
And then there was NPD-ex, who shattered every illusion.
It's been really tough for me to grow up. In fact, I feel like I've just begun the process, in my 40's, and if it were not for the destruction of my marriage to my kids' dad, followed by the in-your-face, this is gonna cost you your soul and maybe your life experience with NPD-ex, I might very well still be just a shadow of my very Nish mother. That mold is not easily broken. I still struggle with not trying to glue the pieces back together, because it's just so very cozy and familiar! I expect that your husband will struggle greatly, as well, as his entire (false) reality crumbles around him. You cannot give him a sense of self to replace that which his family stole away, but your boundaries can teach him where you end, and he begins. That's what I needed to learn... and my husband has been able to show me, by God's grace.
Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that my thoughts and feelings on all this are not coming from a traditional "Christian" perspective which often says - "you've gotta stay just where you are and go through hell in order to maintain your vows". Yes, I know that God hates divorce. I believe that He hates it because it tears people and families apart... it hurts and destroys... but I'm divorced and God doesn't hate me. So it's not that I think divorce is some huge, unforgiveable sin. I do not believe that people should stay married "no matter what". On the other hand, I do believe that many marriages end in divorce needlessly, because people don't recognize the tactics (wiles) of the enemy at work in their homes - and because of immaturity - I think that's a major reason. And I believe that many people stay married for very wrong reasons, when a separation is called for, due to the repeated violation of proper boundaries.
I am so sorry you're not receiving the support and help which you should get from the church leadership there. I know there are so many misunderstandings and misinterpretations of God's truth out there and many are suffering under religious systems because of it.
Please know that I'm not in that camp.
I completely agree with Lighter's post here:
Quote: "You allow him to blame, shame, guilt and otherwise force you into caretaking him and his feelings. He doesn't have to take responsibility for himself bc you do it for him.
He's unlikely to break the cycle, unless you become too big a PITA. That means you'll have to be the one to require better treatment, read that as withdrawl with love from the relationship, IMHO, of course.
At the very least, you can erect firm boundaries and absolutely require they not be tampled. That would require that you stop doubting your feelings and motives.
You don't have to figure out what his intentions are. All you have to do is figure out that you're worthy and you deserve to have your needs met too.
Once you truly begin enforcing your boundaries and banishing innapropriate behavior...... he'll make it very clear what his motives are. There won't be any guessing...... is my guess"
'cept I'd replace Truth Walker with PITA. He's already had enough PITAs in his life, imo.
But as with all you read here, please do take my thoughts with one of those hefty grains of salt, as well, Mof4.
None of us are walking in your shoes, but we can sure walk alongside you as you sort through all this stuff.
With much love,