Hi Peanut, how ya goin'. I love the flower, it's so good to watch it budding and blossoming. Cool.
Your question, dunno!!

I spent a bit of time thinking about it, so it was good watching the flower while I was re-reading your question. For me, the difficulty is in getting to the point of resolve, I suppose. Once I'm there I think I'm right. It's easy!!

But man, that can take me a long time and I may have sustained many serious injuries before I do.
If the person would die while I was getting there it would be easier. Well by definition, of course it would be easier. The decision would have been taken for me, by death.
But I can't see how that would help me generally, because I'd still have to learn for myself to develop healthy boundaries with people. Unfortunately not every Narcissist in my life is going to be polite enough to 'go die' when they've crossed the line for the hundredth time, and it comes to that yukky time I've procrastinated about, when I have to deliberate on cutting them out of my life. N's just aren't that giving or considerate to save me this discomfort and 'go die' instead.!! HA



Hey I might write 'The foundation of a relationship with a Narcissist' list of agreements.
Agreement 'No 1' might read like this. And I wonder if I could get a new N in my life to sign to it

"If and when you have painfully and seriously injured me, be it emotional spiritual physical mental injury, be it deliberately or unintentionally, on the event of the 10th time that you have committed such an act, you shall be taken or go to an appropriate place and die."
Wouldn't that make life so much easier for us, for everybody.

That'd keep us all on our toes wouldn't it. I wouldn't be signin' it that's for sure.
But then knowing the N's I've known, they wouldn't have signed it, but most likely they'd have got me to sign one instead.

And it would read exactly the same , HAHAHA, sorry, premature laugh that was.
It would read exactly the same, but the twist at the end would be that when they've hurt me for the 10th time, I'm the one who has to 'go die' become I've proven I'm a repeat loser. HAHAHA. Oh my gosh, isn't that an awful thing to say about myself, I'm outta here.
Enough stupidity and playing from me, and it's good to hear from you Peanut. I was an interesting thought you posted, and thanks for giving me have a bit of fun playing with it too.