I agree with Lighter. Hops, that was brilliant. You all guys are wonderful. Just to come to the board and read your responses makes me feel better. That is all about. You are doing something nice, good, helpful. For the first time I feel grateful about something. I do not take for granted all your smiles. When we have suffered like we have, we come to appreciate the smiles of others. We know we did not get too many smiles in the past.
I went to my salsa class and dancing after the class. I danced with this guy. Usually I go around talking to everybody, dancing wit everybody. Everybody wants to be with me. But today, I was turned off by the departure or my relatives. So, I was not bubbling, and all the people that usually come around me, were little by little getting away. At the end, I was totally alone in a table. That means, to have company. I have to work, I have to do an effort. I want to have company, no matter what. NO matter if I am not being friecking Jay Leno, just to have company, just for my self.
Guess those have to be real friendships. I do not have those. They see me kind of sad and they go away.
I guy asked me for a date. On Friday. Even him, he decided to leave when he saw I was kind of sad. He said we would practice dancing going to a night club, but if we do not find a nice place, we would end up going to a book store and have a coffee. I said no, I want to dance, and not go read books. He said it was not important what we do but to enjoy each other's company.
Now I com to think he was hypocrit because he left because I was sad. So, he did not do what he was priching, about no matter what, just the company. I do not know if I should bring that up during our date on Friday, or just enjoy, have fun and forget about him in the future.
You know something? I am forgetting about my family just by thinking about this date and talking to you guys about it.
The dance was failure for me because I had inappropriate shoes, hurting my neas when turning around, too much friction with the floor. So, I could not dance anymore.
I know I will feel better tomorrow morning.
Dear everybody. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you.