I've been mulling over a situation and would like to get some opinions.
I have an older cousin, on my father's side, that I did not know about growing up, even though she lived nearby for years. (Long story as a result of NWomb-Donor's lies.) When we finally met and I told her my name, she informed me that she did not want me to use that name because it reminded her of her daughter that died several decades ago. She wanted me to use the formal version of my name, (which I hate to do because it triggers memories of abuse). I've given her my phone number several times but she never calls me. Each time I've called her and spoken with her, she says she "lost" my number and asks me to give it to her again. Then she never calls. Her husband was a lot friendlier and we kept in touch until he died. I learned about his death, from a third party, after I sent my cousin-in-law an e-mail. I've also come to learn that this cousin will hold grudges for ANY kind of faux pas, mistake, etc. for YEARS. I've apologized for mistakes I've made but nothing changes.
Objectively, I realize that this cousin doesn't want to communicate with me unless it is on her terms, i.e. not being allowed to use my own name, my own identity. Subjectively, it is painful because I was blocked from knowing my father's side of the family because of NWomb-Donor's constant lying. I have not called her lately, when my medical situation got worse, because I don't feel comfortable discussing my medical conditions with her. We're blood-related but......
I still have to work through this emotionally even though, logically, I know where this is going.