Okay, Bones.
We both got our snuggies on (those flappy humansandwichbags they sell on TV).
Mine's green, your's red.
So we're shuffling on up to the roof of our apartment building.
It's kind of cruddy up there and we're walking like two old ladies with loads in our diapers, but we'll get there.
And when we go out, the night sky is so deep and so black tonight that the stars are like somebody punched a million tiny holes in velvet and their light is the most amazingly pure and beautiful thing we've ever seen.
We just gape at it, kind of leaning on each other so we don't fall over, until we gets cricks in our necks.
The air is really cold but really feels clean.
Then we look out over the city, say one two three and yell at the top of our creaky lungs in unison:
And go back inside for some hot chocolate.