Hiya Bones,
Am I on a touchy subject when I ask why you always stick in a

to keep this thread near the top, and I so seldom see any advice from you to others????? Like I have been disabled for over 40 years and never hear from you, so if and when I read your posts, your physical problems sound 'different' from what I thought. Is it spina bifida? scoliosis? Would you please tell me about your life as a physically disabled person, so that I can better understand the problems you encounter. We never really have talked to one another!
Thank you,
I was born with a combination of birth defects that include both spina bifida and scoliosis, (swayback and sideways). I also have malformed jaws and palate, making it a challenge to swallow the medications and supplements that the doctors told me I now have to take for osteoporosis. In addition, I have asthma and was recently diagnosed with a small blockage in my heart plus orthostatic hypotension. Combine that with PTSD, Clinical Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and the possibility of Asperger's and I have a plateful. Because of Asperger's and PTSD, others have to earn my trust before I "let them in".