I may be paranoid and, at the same time, this does NOT sit right with me:
A bit of background, I'm also on another forum/bulletin board and this individual originally asked me to relay a message to the moderator, which I did so. (The moderator has not responded, which is her perogative.) Then I got another request to relay a message to a Newbie, who just recently joined the forum/bulletin board (and an absolute TOTAL stranger to me). I expressed my discomfort about being put "in the middle" and suggested that she communicate directly with this Newbie. (After all, she is supposed to be a grown-up even though I didn't add that comment about being a grown-up).
This is her response from my FB private message page:
(FB Acquaintance)February 3, 2011 at 11:02pm
Re: Heya!
I'm avoiding it. I don't mean to put you in the middle but (moderator) and I aren't fighting or anything so I don't see how you'd be in the middle of anything. I just can't get in touch with her. But a new member called (Newbie) needs the heads up about something. Just give that person my email, if you please.
My feeling is that she is saying the following: "I don't mean to put you in the middle but...(I'm putting you in the middle anyway because I don't want to be responsible for my own communication).
My response? I deleted the e-mail conversation without responding any further. I've already expressed my discomfort about being put in the middle and it feels like she has glossed over and ignored what I said about this situation. My perspective is that she needs to put on her "Big Girl Pants" and take care of her own communications since she is obviously lurking on this other forum/bulletin board otherwise she would have never noticed that Newbie has just joined. I was willing to relay the original message to the moderator because I was under the impression that this person was having technical difficulties. Now that a complete TOTAL stranger has become part of the equation, I have NO desire to get involved between her and Newbie. I don't "have a dog in the fight" and I prefer to keep it that way!
Your thoughts?