While coming home from a meeting last night, I experienced a PTSD trigger with flashback while passing a car repair place I used to patronize decades ago. It was about needing some work done on my first car and struggling to find the money for it. I made the mistake of asking her Royal Queen @#$!-ness for help and got called every vile name she could invent for even DARING to ask for something I needed, regardless of what it was! (Sound familiar?) Then shortly after that incident, her Royal @#$!-ness called me, talking SYRUPY, TREACLY, SWEET

wanting me to drive her and her (equally N) sister about 100 miles away to visit someone that I never knew, (my aunt-by-marriage) because SHE, (the NQueen $#@!), was SO CONCERNED for this relative's welfare. [FYI: This stranger and my uncle were divorced while I was still an infant so I have no memories of ever meeting nor interacting with her. From that point onward, her Royal @#$!-ness would NEVER mention this aunt's name without cursing and spitting! As far as the NWomb-Donor was concerned, my aunt-by-marriage was no better than a pile of dog $h*t!] Fast forward about two and a half decades...the uncle, NWomb-Donor's brother, had died shortly before this sickeningly sweet phone call, (he had shot himself). With his death, NWomb-Donor no longer had a source to obtain "fresh $h*t" to smear my aunt-by-marriage with. (Do you see where she was trying to go? I did! She simply wanted to USE me as a convenient tool to get at this relative who had moved on WITHOUT NWomb-Donor's permission!) By this time, gas prices were skyrocketing out of control and I did NOT have a good paying job!
When I suggested that we split the costs three ways, NWomb-Donor attempted to con me with: "BUT........you're FAMILY!" (I'm thinking silently: "How CONVENIENT for YOU, you F*CKING BITCH!" Instead of saying that, I voiced: "Have you seen the prices at the gas pumps lately?!? I can't afford to pay the total expense, out of my pocket, making a 200-mile round trip, to go visit someone THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!" She abruptly ended the phone call, stating she needed to call her sister, (the other N). Five minutes after that, I get ANOTHER phone from her Royal Queen $#@!-ness calling me the usual vile names because I DARED ask to split the cost of this 200-mile round trip!

Was I surprised? NOT!!!! I was so grateful that I was living in my own apartment by this point, out of her reach, so she couldn't attempt to beat me into submission like a slave again! Unfortunately, it did not stop her poisonous smearing mouth as she substituted me for the aunt-by-marriage and ramped up her slander and vitriolic verbal abuse because I DARED TO DEFY HER ROYAL $#@!-ness!
