Oh yeah, Bones...
like at my age, I've never heard the "amber waves of grain" joke...
I'm afraid I have perfected a sort of "withering" cold stare that lets them know I don't see the humor in this kind of thing.
Maybe we're allowed some days like this - days when we just don't see the humor in the trite... and that's OK. As long as, once in a while at least, we do see some humor in these kinds of things... it's just people trying to connect with us - one on one - I think.
My sense of humor is my canary in the coal mine - when nothing makes me laugh, or people start apologizing for trying to make me laugh... that's when I know I have "go deal" - get it over with - and let it go.
I haven't laughed for a week.... really just found something funny, you know?