Feeling a bit more rested from yesterday even though I have achy muscles.
I may have previously mentioned that I'm a member of the Community Emergency Response Team where I live. Yesterday, my Team got called out and mobilized by our state's search and rescue team to search for a missing person. It turned out that the missing person case is a "cold case" as he had disappeared back in 2006 in an area that is VERY ROUGH WILDERNESS, (including wildlife such as foxes, deer, snakes, possibly bears). What we did not know, until we met with the state's search-and-rescue team and the state police, that there was also an unregistered handgun involved. Essentially, we were searching for human remains and a handgun, (possibly still loaded), with the safety off so critical safety measures were the order of the day.
This was my first REAL search for a missing person as, up to now, everything else had been drills. I also learned how to use a metal detector for the first time. (The metal detectors were borrowed from the forensic division of the police department.) I was hoping we would be able to find this person and give his family closure as well as finding the unregistered handgun but we came up empty-handed. At the same time, I felt it was an excellent learning experience and helped give us volunteers more insight into what the police and professional search-and-rescue teams do and how much physical labor is involved. It is NOWHERE near close to what is portrayed on television!