Just checking in.
A thought or two that just went through my brain as I was reading about CGM's NWomb-Donor keeping only the bills connected to raising CGM....that reminded me of when the NAunt, sister of NWomb-Donor, had to go into a nursing home. The NAdopted sister and her NHusband went through the NAunt's house to clear it out. The boxes of stuff they didn't want got dumped, (yes, dumped), on me to go through. What was in those boxes? Nothing but canceled checks without anything else connected to them to make ANY sense! I shredded all of it!
This same NAdopted sister and her NHusband went through NWomb-Donor's house, cleared everything out, and stored it all in THEIR garage. If there was anything that was mine, (e.g. baby booties, baby book, Christmas ornaments I had created, etc.), they were never returned to me. The message I got was that I "didn't belong to THEIR family as I was nothing more than a retard and a pile of dog sh*t!" I had to let all of that material stuff go and move on.