You know, I always wondered why people went nutsy with cleaning, christmas decorations, baking, etc - of course I worked 12 hr days in retail back then & tried to do all that, too! And I now, I'm wondering if by keeping busy (want tos; not the have tos)... people were trying to find a way to escape the winter blahs?? Just until the days started getting longer again and there was a minute or two more of light each day?
I don't mind hibernating and can finally just be lazy, if that's what I need on a particular day. What I've noticed is that this helps me as I'm getting into a new rhythm and new routines and need more energy just to do that... so it's like 1-2 days of energizer bunny work; 1/2 day ensconced on the couch with kitties, tea, throw and media (and allowing my eyes to drift shut).
I've had to have a serious "talk" with myself about how I'm not 30 anymore and it's wacko to expect myself to be able to go-go-go all the time, like I used to. I've had to do the image of a 2x4 upside my head... to beat into it the idea that YES, my ankle and sciatic nerve are acting up again... BECAUSE I'm trying to do too much and simply not stretching everyday, like I know I should. And that when it hurts (I've had some tooth issues, too)... well, damn it - it hurts and if I don't "take care of myself" no one else is going to. That's when I can hear the little voice saying... I want my mommy!!!
And that's become a running joke in our house - we need a mommy to take care of us. A GOOD mommy... sometimes even just acknowledging that is enough to "carry on". And we find ways to take care of each other... and get through those mommy-moments. And neither of us, is very good at "asking" for help... so it can be pretty comical at times. But hey - I gotta brag! - hubs did the dishes two days in a row, without me asking! (Though I have been talking to him about how if he helps out more with the normal chores, I'll have more time to pay attention to him.... for 10 years, I've been talking! He's used to being spoiled by a good mommy... and I'm still running a deficit in that area.)
I'd say, from your list, Bones... you're having a "mommy moment". Now, you just need one other person - in 3D - who's willing and able to be "mommy" for you for a day, in return for the same, when they need it. You probably don't want to suggest that, this way, in so many words though!!!! I wonder if you could simply ask one of those acquaintances to just come keep you company for an afternoon? That's how acquaintances slide over to the friends column... play cards, have tea, just hang out...