Just posting an observation here after watching a case on America's Court with Judge Ross.
I'm listening to the litigants in one case and the defendant is CLEARLY A NARCISSIST, insisting EVERYTHING MUST CIRCULATE AROUND HER! The behaviors she admitted to were absolutely outrageous, (e.g. pulling down her pants and mooning guests at her sister's engagement party)!

She insisted she wanted to show off her new tattoo that happened to be on her butt! (Give me a break!

) At one point, the judge told the defendant that the engagement party and subsequent wedding of the plaintiff/sister IS/WAS NOT ABOUT THE DEFENDANT! (Helloooo, Narcissist Defendant!) The judge labeled the relationship between the litigants as "sibling rivalry" and awarded the plaintiff only half what she was suing for, given how much DAMAGE the Narcissist Defendant caused, which was at least $1,500 for starters. (What planet is he living on or maybe he's never encountered Narcissistic Personality Disorder before.)
Those of us who have dealt with Narcissists disrupting events in order to grab attention know what a pain in the butt the situation really is!