Bones, I'm relieved you've come to this decision!
It's been my experience, that if one does step up and try to do all of that alone, the eventual consequence is that everyone resents that one person and he/she is the only "blame-target" available for everything each other person doesn't like or won't accept as reality. Ideally, in a perfect world, each household takes responsibility for themselves and their specific, unique needs and then cooperates with each other to add another layer of safety and "first response" in a crisis.
It's not a perfect world. Which is why the Weather Channel and other safety-oriented groups put out the same old information every single year. People discount the probability of something bad happening to them, in their neighborhood, or community and also discount how self-reliant they'll have to be. They also over-estimate and take for granted that the official emergency response folks will be there to protect them and be able to restore services in an unrealistic time-frame.
Even here, where there is a lot of annual community education and awareness and acceptance that we are vulnerable to hurricanes -- it's amazing what people's expectations are. I keep checking and reading and revising my own plans... looking for weaknesses or things I've simply overlooked... because I know once something happens, or is immanent (expected within 24 hrs) chances are that one or two things I "forgot" aren't going to be available. I've learned the hard way, that if have the resources - but don't need them - it's a whole lot easier than the reverse. This year, I have to take inventory of my first aid supply stash... deal with water purification (which I didn't anticipate during Irene and wasn't an issue - this time)... and get a lot more specific about where we would go... if we do evacuate. And this whole community has their plan & response triage, down to an art - it's very, very good - because it has be. And yet, the individual self-sufficiency is critical to that plan.
But, back to you. We talked about some of the things you need, for yourself. You need more than Plan A - if Plan A is Mr. Useless - you need Plan B and Plan C - for some pretty basic needs. Nothing wrong or selfish about putting that same energy into taking care of those needs, for yourself.