Hi tt -
Ya know, I think you're right about the no soul for government. As an entity, it's like a person who's been so enmeshed with an Nparent, that it doesn't even know it's own core identity. Or like a child feels in the midst of a contentious divorce; forced to pick sides... sigh. I'm so tired of sky is pink; sky is blue arguments. And blame games. And name-calling and devious "control" games. I think we can use the same lens of psychology to observe and understand what's going on in the "bigger picture" - up to a point. Exactly where that point is, might be fluid - very fluid. The danger is, of course, over-reacting or misreading or "reading into" and looking for ulterior motives. We've talked entropy before... about how things just stop working because they're too complex. I'm recognizing plenty of this... it hasn't decreased at all... but on the other hand, it hasn't gotten too much worse either. I wonder if that's irrelevant because there is also a positive, creative, productive stream of energy moving along at the same time? Something that just doesn't get media attention because it's just a bunch of people doing what they always do - living their lives the best they know how.
Anyway, for as long as I can remember, most people have not cared, felt it didn't really matter, or that it was completely futile to speak their minds about government issues. "The silent majority". "The little people". I'm feeling that it's time for me to find my voice on those topics. Not screaming, name-calling, or the rediculous extreme metaphors - or blaming - that we see so much of online & in the media. Just raising my hand, calmly saying what I think... planting an idea or making my point... and then going on my way.
Living my life the best way I know how... but not letting some things pass by without addressing them. Calling it as I see it.
This scares the crap out of me but I'm doing it anyway!!
I'm gonna revive the old slogan, revised: "Act Locally, think Globally". Once my house is in order, only then can I help my neighbor, right?