ain't it the truth?!
Good enough:
to feel good
to be satisfied with how much I accomplish in one day
to feel "allowed" to take a day off to play, do absolutely nothing productive, or just do nothing - and enjoy it!
to feel confident enough in myself to not automatically isolate myself from people
to not distrust myself and other's intentions
to remember to pat myself on the back for even microsteps of progress - no matter how far away the goal remains
to just have some fun, laugh, and love with those who are important to me...
since I can't fix what's wrong with "people", the "news", the "politics", etc... when I can't even feel important/good enough to myself to decide what to fix for dinner!
LOL... I feel so silly sometimes about how easy it is to forget this "standard operating procedure"... and the extremes I will go to, to actually SEEK OUT things to worry about, be indignant about, be obsessed with... and make myself feel just AWFUL because I don't have superpowers to make everything super-duper great for everybody. (When I'm really struggling, I suspect this tendency of mine is a distraction I use to keep myself from doing all the things on my "should" and "want to" list...)
It's like housework - 5 minutes after I've got everything spotless, a cat barfs... or the dog drags in something from the yard... or hubby's printed out a stack of paper to "share" with me... or the other cat is playing pinball in the house, trying to catch the last bug we let in.
It's always SOMETHING.