"I wouldn't use the word 'loophole'. That is not the correct word!"
Bonesy, you know what this is, don't you? This is the game of "he who controls the definition, controls absolutely". It's also a self-delusion on the part of the speaker. There used to be a saying (pardon my French): If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit.
And underneath all of that bluster, is a whole lot insecurity, an abyss of no real solutions/creativity/knowledge or skills - a clinging to status quo as if it will save him/her and fear that change, compromise, and a quasi-belief that seeing another's point of view is always "bad" -- is always "losing" -- is the same thing as being weak or not having "power". (Power is commonly misunderstood, to my way of thinking). You're going to hear a whole lot more like this over the next 6 months (from both "sides"... sigh... why do we have to have sides?? uuuggghhhhhh..... can't we just talk about ideas without an "us" and "them"???)
There's a technique that might be useful to you, Bones. It takes a lot of practice, and some courage, and a whole lotta persistence. But you'll have the opportunity to practice, if you're getting involved in local politics. When these types of things come up - it's useful to speak up, and restate the original speaker's "problem" or "request" in purely mechanical, functional, or process-oriented terms. (remove as many of the personal, david vs goliath, us & them words as possible). Then, ask what result is desired or needed. Then restate the issue, the goal again. That's the beginning of an action plan. Yeah, this is difficult. Sometimes, the words just start coming out of my mouth before I know I know what I'm saying. Sometimes it dawns on me - like I can "see" exactly how to get through to the people deflecting, dismissing or discounting an issue presented to them. Sometimes it takes me a month or so, too! And I have to repeat myself, over & over... and then one day, lo & behold, it comes out of someone elses' mouth - as their idea. I don't care as long as the idea has "traction", is practical, simple and benefits the majority of people.
And it's taken way longer than that and hours-long discussions with my "other side of the aisle" hairdresser to begin to really digest and understand (so that I can say it) what the deal is with reinventing definitions - and why. I really didn't want to believe that this is really what was going on... but yeah, sad to say, it is. Hype, propaganda... it's no different than what we were so conscious of in the 60s and early 70s. It only SEEMS worse - because it's everywhere in all the media - and there are so many imitators and parrots and people yelling about things that really don't even need to be contentious or debatable! Except -- there are egos on the line.
My new "hobby"... is finding ways to discover areas of agreement in the ideas and helping the other side see that they don't "lose" anything by agreeing. One person at a time. But sometimes, you have to pry the cold, dead, incorrect (and I can prove it) ideas from their not willing to exert their thinking-muscle minds...