What sort of mysteries?
I've often wanted to research my family history but didn't know how to get started-- don't really wish to talk to my relatives about it--huh which sounds pretty weird! I don't really even know how or when they came to the U.S.
It would be fun to know something about the generations that I never met though. I guess without verbal stories being passed down it's impossible to know. I think about how a lot of women did some kind of thing but it wasn't always proper work. There would be no way to find out what women did, what their lives were like.
I wish I could just google my SS# and the computer could just spit it all out for me. I bet the CIA can do that.
Calling the CIA might be easier than doing the research myself. They probably have a computer program that does that in a matter of seconds.
One mystery I stumbled across was a German man who was buried in an unmarked grave in the maternal ancestors' family plot back in the 1890s. No one had a clue who he was or how he was related. To add to the mystery, his German name had been mangled by the cemetery so it took a while to find the correct name. Then, based on the Internet search on his family name, I found a phone number of some people in my home state and did a random "cold call". Turns out my "find" was their "brick wall"!

We compared genealogy notes and I continued my search on him. I was able to find out some information on him through the city directories, including the name of his wife/widow but not a whole lot. I joined several genealogy forums and posted what I found on those forums.
Fast forward a few years and I received an e-mail from a total stranger asking me if I knew who (name) was and I recognized that name immediately.....it was the name of my maternal great-great-grandmother! Turns out that my maternal great-great-grandmother had gotten pregnant by another man, while still married to my great-great-grandfather, and she had a daughter who was given the SAME NAME as the mystery man's wife/widow!!!! Further digging confirmed what my gut-level instinct was telling me.....the mystery man was my half-great-uncle by marriage and the people I had contacted with my random "cold call" were my distant cousins!!!! I also discovered that one of those distant cousins had connections to where I used to work!!!!! Now what are the odds of THAT happening?!?!?!?
To answer your question, there are ways to research your family tree without having to deal with dysfunctional, idiotic relatives....which is what I've done. I simply started with myself and worked backward....researching Census records and city directories to see where the research would lead me.