I'm thinking that only N's would behave so STUPIDLY as to walk up to another adult and PULL THEIR HAIR WITHOUT PERMISSION!!! GEEZ!!!!
http://www.creators.com/advice/annies-mailbox/wigged-out-over-thinning-hair.htmlI've known some people who have experienced alopecia areata or lost their hair because of chemo. They are dealing with enough, as it is, without some F**KHEAD walking up to them and yanking the wig off their head while loudly announcing: "SEE?!?!? I KNEW it was FAKE!!!!" What the F**K is WRONG with people?!?!?!? Idiots like that need to be slapped!!!!
And please don't comment about how reading advice columns upset me. The point I'm trying to get across is how N's ALWAYS VIOLATE OTHERS' BOUNDARIES whether it's wearing wigs, what you eat, what you wear, what you have worked hard to accomplish, what you think, what you feel, etc. while the N looks for the opportunity to try and tear you down while calling attention to themselves and how "PERFECT" they are!
If I can't vent here, from time to time, where else can I vent?
Thank you!
I'll get off my soap-box for now.