So frustrated!!!!
For the past several years, I had been able to use my degree by assisting with mental health screenings and got paid for it!
This year, I received information that I am expected to VOLUNTEER to do the EXACT SAME WORK....with ZERO PAY!!!!
WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!? I've got medical bills that have got to be paid! The medical people are NOT going to "volunteer" to cancel my bills!!!!
This is happening all over the Uk at the minute, Bones, they're just forcing people to work for free. It is absolutely disgusting. I am so sorry to read that they are doing this to you. ((((((((((((((((((((((((Bonesie))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks, (((((((((((((((((((((((Tupp)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What is even more frustrating is that the person who is attempting to force this is a suspected N. I've observed his behaviors where he has consistently demonstrated that if he can't USE you, he has no use for you, (if you are physically unable to work 80-hour work weeks as opposed to 40-hour work weeks). He has also been known to LIE, then deny he ever said any such thing when confronted with his lie. On top of that, I've watched and listened as he made disparaging comments about people with disabilities, (he doesn't like anyone who has health challenges, which is why I don't have a regular job there anymore when my disabilities began manifesting themselves). I guess, in one sense, I should count my blessings that I don't have to deal with him on a regular basis anymore. I just DESPISE slave labor, especially at the hands of an N.