Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1304127 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4695 on: July 22, 2013, 03:29:13 PM »
Hey Bonesie, how are things with you? xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4696 on: July 22, 2013, 03:34:05 PM »
Hey Bonesie, how are things with you? xx

Thanks, (((((Tupp))).

I'm taking things one day at a time.

It feels weird that one N is gone for good.  I can only imagine the HELL she put her kids through!

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4698 on: July 22, 2013, 05:17:16 PM »
Just feeling a bit annoyed and need to vent somewhere.....

As some may be aware, I am a TREKKIE and have been a TREKKIE since September 8, 1966.  Because of that, I was recently contacted to settle a debate regarding Classic Star Trek.  Fine, no problem.  I don't mind helping with that.  Then the conversation proceeds as follows:

Person inquiring:  "The Cage was NOT the first pilot.  Right?"

My response:  "The Cage was actually the FIRST pilot presented by Gene Roddenberry to The Suits but The Suits rejected that first pilot because it portrayed a WOMAN as the First Officer.  The Suits then ordered a SECOND pilot to be produced which was 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' with the battle between Captain Kirk and Gary Mitchell."

Person inquiring:  "Where No Man was NOT the FIRST pilot?!?!  ARE YOU SURE?!?!?  Then was 'Where No Man' the first episode broadcast on September 8, 1966?"

My response while trying to control my annoyance:  "Where No Man was the SECOND pilot.  The very FIRST episode of Classic Star Trek that aired on September 8, 1966 was 'Man Trap' with the Salt Vampire."  (I could have gone into greater detail about the first pilot portraying Captain Christopher Pike going to Talos IV and being captured by Veena and the Talosians and why the character of Captain Pike was not reprised in the second pilot but I realized that my Aspergian Ways would have made me more of an alien.  I could probably annoy Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory.)

Person Inquiring:  "Are you sure?!?!?"

By now, I'm getting REALLY annoyed about having my time wasted.  If you don't like the answers, then why are you asking me the questions?"  *Shaking my head*

Bones  (I'm an Aspie from the Planet Aspergia, NOT a Neurotypical Humanoid!)

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4699 on: July 22, 2013, 08:18:41 PM »

And you've got a nice Aspie sense of humor, too!


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4700 on: July 22, 2013, 08:25:15 PM »

And you've got a nice Aspie sense of humor, too!



Thanks, Hops!   :D
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4702 on: July 23, 2013, 07:36:29 AM »

Regarding the letter about the museum, I've been a volunteer in a museum where I've seen parents turn their kids loose and the kids proceeded to climb INSIDE exhibits that were CLEARLY marked:  "DO NOT TOUCH!" while the parents stood there and cooed!   :shock:  Several of us volunteers managed to stop these kids before they destroyed the exhibit and the parents got PISSED at us because we dared say "NO" to their PERFECT LITTLE ANGELS!!   :?  One set of parents became so belligerent that I responded that if they continued, I WILL call Security!  *Shaking my head*

« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 07:54:37 AM by BonesMS »
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4704 on: July 23, 2013, 09:55:49 AM »
Shaking my head this morning.   :?

During the past week, it was announced at the HOA meeting that the fire department would be visiting, with their gear and equipment, to do their regular inspection of the condo buildings to make sure the fire safety equipment therein was still in good working order.  This same announcement was also distributed via e-mail to everyone on the mailing list AND it was posted on the bulletin board in my building.

I'm resting this morning after having to wake up early, (as I sometimes do), when I hear a rapping on my door.  I get up, put on my dressing gown and answer it to see what is needed given that I am the Building Captain.  The neighbor asks me:  "WHY is the fire department here?"  I asked him:  "Did you read your e-mail?"  His response:  "No.  I don't bother reading announcements that are sent to me."  I asked:  "Did you read the announcement posted on the bulletin board?"  His response:  "I always ignore the bulletin board!"  I asked him:  "Why didn't you attend the HOA meeting last week after I told you I was on my way to that meeting when you stopped me in the hallway?"  His response:  "I was too busy, too tired, yada, yada.  Now WHY is the fire department here?"  By this point, I let my annoyance show on my face and give him a L-O-N-G, SILENT GLARE!!!!  I see the light bulb go on in his head.  "Oh-h-h-h-h!!!  This was announced to be expected!  R-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght!!!!"

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4705 on: July 23, 2013, 02:19:13 PM »

Regarding the letter about the museum, I've been a volunteer in a museum where I've seen parents turn their kids loose and the kids proceeded to climb INSIDE exhibits that were CLEARLY marked:  "DO NOT TOUCH!" while the parents stood there and cooed!   :shock:  Several of us volunteers managed to stop these kids before they destroyed the exhibit and the parents got PISSED at us because we dared say "NO" to their PERFECT LITTLE ANGELS!!   :?  One set of parents became so belligerent that I responded that if they continued, I WILL call Security!  *Shaking my head*

I am quite a liberal parent and as my son is autistic there are times he needs to let off steam and I let him do things at home that many people wouldn't (building an obstacle course in the front room, for example, or jumping on the bed).  But I've always very firmly believed that with other people's things, whether in their homes, in parks or in public places like museums, should always be treated with extreme care and I've seen things like this, Bonesie, it amazes me that some people allow their kids to do this.

I've been meeting a couple of mums for coffee once a week and it's been lovely.  They're nice people, the kids all get on well and I really look forward to it.  A new mum has joined us and of course I welcome that, I know what it's like to be alone more than you want to be.  She is very nice but my word, her son was running along couches, running around waiting staff (carrying hot drinks) and chucking ice cubes about and she didn't say a word.  I find it embarrassing; there's no way I'd let my son behave like that but, like you say Bonesie, some people just sit there and do nothing.  I'm shaking my head with you!


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4706 on: July 23, 2013, 03:17:52 PM »

Regarding the letter about the museum, I've been a volunteer in a museum where I've seen parents turn their kids loose and the kids proceeded to climb INSIDE exhibits that were CLEARLY marked:  "DO NOT TOUCH!" while the parents stood there and cooed!   :shock:  Several of us volunteers managed to stop these kids before they destroyed the exhibit and the parents got PISSED at us because we dared say "NO" to their PERFECT LITTLE ANGELS!!   :?  One set of parents became so belligerent that I responded that if they continued, I WILL call Security!  *Shaking my head*

I am quite a liberal parent and as my son is autistic there are times he needs to let off steam and I let him do things at home that many people wouldn't (building an obstacle course in the front room, for example, or jumping on the bed).  But I've always very firmly believed that with other people's things, whether in their homes, in parks or in public places like museums, should always be treated with extreme care and I've seen things like this, Bonesie, it amazes me that some people allow their kids to do this.

I've been meeting a couple of mums for coffee once a week and it's been lovely.  They're nice people, the kids all get on well and I really look forward to it.  A new mum has joined us and of course I welcome that, I know what it's like to be alone more than you want to be.  She is very nice but my word, her son was running along couches, running around waiting staff (carrying hot drinks) and chucking ice cubes about and she didn't say a word.  I find it embarrassing; there's no way I'd let my son behave like that but, like you say Bonesie, some people just sit there and do nothing.  I'm shaking my head with you!

Thanks, (((((Tupp))))).

I cringed when I read about that child running around the waitstaff who were carrying hot drinks.  If one of the waitstaff had been knocked off her/his feet and that hot drink had landed on that child, guess who would be screaming lawsuit?  Unfortunately, some parents don't get it until their child gets hurt.

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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4707 on: July 23, 2013, 03:57:18 PM »
I know, it's crazy!  I was in a café once and a child was banging the door open and closed - big glass door, apart from the noise being irritating he was really slamming it and if that had smashed I dread to think what might have happened.  I told him to stop before he hurt himself and the man at the next table glared at me - it was his son and he was just sitting there doing nothing!  Amazing what some people are like.


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #4708 on: July 23, 2013, 05:24:05 PM »
I know, it's crazy!  I was in a café once and a child was banging the door open and closed - big glass door, apart from the noise being irritating he was really slamming it and if that had smashed I dread to think what might have happened.  I told him to stop before he hurt himself and the man at the next table glared at me - it was his son and he was just sitting there doing nothing!  Amazing what some people are like.

It is amazing what some people are like!  I can recall, years ago, watching a court case on People's Court with Judge Wapner.  An owner of a gift shop was suing the mother of a child because the mother turned her kid loose inside the shop and the kid proceeded to smash the merchandise.  There were signs prominently placed throughout the shop that stated:  "You break, you buy." and "Please keep your child in hand."  The mother ignored all the signs and refused to pay for the merchandise that her child destroyed.  Judge Wapner told the mother she had no excuse for being irresponsible and the mother was court-ordered to reimburse the gift shop owner for the destruction.  The mother got peeved because she felt she shouldn't have to be bothered.  I have no idea what planet that mother was on!   :?
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