Hi Bones,
I know it really agitates you when people don't take a no for an answer.
Isn't it maddening? When you explain something, and people come back as though you didn't, it's frustrating.
Know you're not alone in that though! I think repetition or perseverance (perseverating is one of my favorite words) is just natural. People aren't logical...and when they neeeeeeeeeeeeeed or waaaaaaaaaaaaaaant something, often a No or an explanation is just seen as "something I can steer around if I just go FASTER).
It's not personal. And it has nothing to do with you. It's just the other person's way of maneuvering through the world.
Make sure you remember that being good to Bones, and keeping her peaceful, is more important than being right! (Must be some way to disengage, just hear the person who's repeating him/herself...as background noise...you can just repeat, too! But calmly, so you don't experience distress.)
One of my favorite lessons from an assertiveness workshop was the power of calmly repeating my statement. I always though if someone wasn't listening or didn't get it, that I had to start all over to explain my point in different WORDS. The leader said no, most of the time, you can just REPEAT JUST WHAT YOU SAID THE FIRST TIME, and keep repeating it. Her genius was in showing us how we could do that very calmly, un-upset...just saying the same sentence again in a pleasant tone. And again.
Eventually, the non-listener's brain will pause and say to itself: Huh. I think I am hearing these words again. maybe this time, I'll listen.
