Well, I am rapidly reaching SMACKDOWN point with the N-president of our club! Our club also has the ability to send e-mail blasts to each other so that everyone gets the same information at the same time. I posted some possible suggestions for our next meeting, which also included a few details about a pool party they could also attend if they so wish. One member asked when the pool party was scheduled and I responded to his question with additional information. Then the N-president sticks his nose in with an e-mail to everybody proclaiming: "WHAT HE REALLY MEANS ... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!" I responded back that this member did NOT need an interpreter and that he can easily speak for himself and follow up with additional e-mails asking for more clarification, if needed. N-president keeps trucking with "BUT I KNOW EVERYTHING AND WHAT HE REALLY MEANS ... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" My second response was a bit more blunt than my first, basically telling N-president to BACK OFF! Then I asked the member to share his thoughts regarding the pool party he had asked me about.
If N-president comes back a THIRD time with his crap, then the gloves are coming off and he's going to get a SMACK-DOWN! MY PATIENCE IS GONE!