Just. Wow.

When I read this, it reminded me of one of the N's I know in 3-D. He has an identical twin brother. Well, this N used to drive like a total fool when he used to have a car. When it came time to renew the driver's license, like we all must do if we want to continue driving, the N-Fool decided that going to the DMV to get his picture taken was just TOO inconvenient. So what does he try to do? He tells his identical twin to do it FOR him!

Needless to say, his twin told him ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Did the N-Fool accept that, take responsibility, and get his own tushie to the DMV to get his picture taken to renew his license? NO! He just let his driver's license expire AND CONTINUED DRIVING!!!
Well, one night, while he's out on the road, he did something that caught the attention of the local constabulary and he got pulled over. When the police pull you over, what do they usually ask for? Driver's license and proof of insurance. I'm not sure if he let the insurance lapse too. I wouldn't be surprised since he kept trying to dump everything on his twin to "take care of it FOR him" instead of taking care of his own mess. When the police discovered that N-Fool had been driving with a long-ago-expired license, the police did their jobs and arrested him. Guess who he calls from jail? His twin. His twin comes down to bail out N-Fool and N-Fool proceeds to blame his twin for NOT renewing his license FOR him!