when I thought I heard it all about Narcissists and then I see THIS!!!!!!!
She didn't want "strange men" in her house (meaning the professional moving company)! GAH!!!!
Makes me think of NDoofus who dug in her heels when her mother's doctor told her that she needed to make arrangements because it was NO LONGER SAFE to leave her mother home alone while she was at work! I'm sitting there looking at her, with my jaw on the floor, as she announces: "I DON'T WANT STRANGERS IN MY HOUSE!" The doctor repeats that it is NO LONGER SAFE to leave her mother home alone while she is at work! Then NDoofus looks at me and says, (to me): "You can do it!" My response: "No! I'm working part-time at this point, about to go into full-time 40-hours per week, and her mother's condition has reached the point where she has to have PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED people to care for her! I am NOT it!" NDoofus sticks out her lip: "But I don't want strangers in MY house!" The doctor lists the following possible options: (a) Visiting nurses who are PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED for situations like this, (b) Adult Day Care, (c) Nursing home that is specifically for Alzheimer's patients. (Glenn Campbell went to one at one point.) She starts to get all passive-aggressive and refuses to consider anything because (a) she does NOT want strangers in her house, (b) SHE does NOT like the way Adult Day Care smells, (c) SHE does NOT like the idea of nursing home facilities AT ALL! She looks at me, AGAIN, and announces: "YOU CAN DO IT!" I repeat a simple sentence: "NO!" Her response: "BUUUUUT.....I'll PAY you!!!!" I repeat the same simple sentence: "NO!" (She HATES the word "NO" and started blathering and badgering me in the vain hope that I'll change my "NO!" to a "YES!" for HER CONVENIENCE! (The NO! stayed NO! I am NOT professionally trained as a nurse for situations and conditions like this! The liabilities are too great!) She attempts to ignore the doctor and leaves her mother home alone. The doctor calls in Adult Protective Services and she is forced to pick a door, Door #1, Door #2, or Door #3! NDoofus was PISSED because someone DARED say "NO!" to what SHE wanted!!!!