Some days I feel like screaming in frustration!!!!

I've been dealing with medical bills, while on a fixed income, since I got hit with a combination of Shingles and kidney stone in 2015, the two lithotripsies, dealing with specialists. etc., etc., etc. The pension can only stretch so far and no further! I have REQUIRED living expenses in order to keep a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back, paying utilities for electricity, natural gas, insurance, telephone, and trying to pay the hospital. (Yeah, the hospital wants their money!!!!)
Today I get a notification about an upcoming Spin-along in September. (YAY!!! I like to keep practicing my spinning skills.) I have some fiber in my stash that I can practice with. Then I read more details about this particular Spin-along and this particular activity REQUIRES spinning 100% silk! (Number One, I have NEVER tried to spin silk before and Number Two, because of my current financial situation, buying 100% silk for spinning is just NOT in my budget now.) I express my regrets when I receive a response from someone, who I've met in person, and had explained more than once about my current circumstances. She goes ahead and tells me that buying silk to spin is "not that expensive" and go find it at Etsy.