!?!?!?! This is Narcissism at its MOST TOXIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, this N was the one who caught some well-deserved justice when her daughter-in-law opened a can of WHOOPA$$ all over her!!!!
Reading about how Slagatha denied her son the basics of care reminded me of a case when I was working at a residential school for the Deaf. This one kid was literally dumped on the school's doorstep, late at night, with NOTHING but the clothes on his back by the egg-donor who didn't want to be bothered. No matter how many times we, at the school, tried to contact her to arrange to get him shoes, a winter coat, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, getting the necessary forms signed so he could see the medical staff in the Infirmary, ANYTHING that any minor child needs, she blew us off! What pissed me off even more was that she was TAKING HIS SSI/SSDI money and spending that on HERSELF!!!! That child got NOTHING from her! We finally contacted Child Protective Services and showed them our documentation, they conducted an investigation which substantiated our evidence, and her parental rights were terminated. His SSI/SSDI money was then transferred to the residential school and one of the teachers became his legal guardian. He's okay now and has become a teacher himself.