Last night I attended the annual Christmas party with the Star Trek Fan Club and became part of giving the Captain Narcissist a SMACKDOWN!!!!
The party was pot luck style with everyone bringing a dish that had been person preparing turkey, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, another bringing a vegetable, cheese and dip platter, another bringing a cheese, crackers, and pepperoni platter, etc. Needless to say, a lot of it was fresh food that either needed to be refrigerated and/or cooked before serving and we had a timeline to be followed as folks are HUNGRY!!!!
Captain Narcissist contacted a husband-wife team and asked them to give him a ride. Problem #1 was that he WAITED UNTIL LITERALLY THE LAST MINUTE when they were about to park their car at the location of the party!!!! (Annoying as hell when he knew FOR SEVERAL WEEKS about when and where of said party!) They said "All right, will do...", turn around and drive to where he is at the nearby library. The husband-wife team told him to be waiting outside the library so they could get going back to the party and find a decent parking spot because parking was EXTREMELY TIGHT. The husband-wife team arrive at the library and Captain Narcissist is NOWHERE IN SIGHT! The husband goes inside the library to search for Captain Narcissist and finds, (Problem #2) the idiot STILL PUTTERING ON A COMPUTER!!!! The husband tells Captain Narcissist that it's TIME TO GO as they have FOOD in the car, etc. Captain Narcissist IGNORES this and declares that HE is NOT ready to stop puttering on the computer. To make matters worse, Captain Narcissist fully expected the husband and wife to WAIT AN HOUR, right there at the library, until HE was ready to stop puttering on the computer! Needless to say, the husband-wife team WERE PISSED AND LEFT CAPTAIN NARCISSIST AT THE LIBRARY!!!
The husband-wife team arrived at the party and they were BOTH ANGRY!!! I've known them both for several years and the husband is one of the most calm, laid-back folks I have ever met! Anyone who dares to piss HIM off has committed a MAJOR F**K-UP!!!
We get the party underway and start munching on various goodies when the cell phones of various members start blowing up sequentially...first one, then another, and then another, as Captain Narcissist starts serial dialing DEMANDING A RIDE NOW!!!! All of simultaneously shouted at him: "NO!!!!!" What does Captain Narcissist do next? He calls his twin brother, WHO IS IN FLORIDA, to recruit him as a Flying Monkey because the club members DARED SAY NO!!!! When Flying Monkey calls, he got an earful!
Eventually, another member, who arrived late, goes to retrieve Captain Narcissist. I commented that if Captain Narcissist is dumb enough to attempt to play "victim" and try to throw any $hit at the husband-wife team that he jerked around, he deserves to get his A$$ RIPPED!!! From the time Captain Narcissist arrived until I left, he remained strangely whinging, no whining. I think he knew he was outnumbered and none of us were in any mood to tolerate anymore $hit from him!