Feeling slightly paranoid at the moment.
To give a bit of background and, unfortunately, it's long:
My late half-sister's descendants have always treated me as if I was $h!t on their shoe. Ever since I was a little kid, I always tried to be family to them and got nasty rebuffs as a result. One incident, that was the beginning of the end, was right after egg-donor died.
I was aware that my half-sister's descendants HATED my Dad and NWomb-donor. Now that the N was dead and rotting in H3LL, and my Dad being long-dead for several decades, these "descendants" no longer had a viable target for their hate. I tried to mend the rift and ended up being the new target instead...which included their DEMAND that I hand over genealogy documents, THAT I PAID FOR, because in THEIR opinion, I shouldn't be ALLOWED to have them! I stopped having anything more to do with them after that.
Fast forward a couple of years, I get a polite e-mail asking for information. As soon as the sender realized who I am, she got NASTY and started cranking up the toxic $h!t again, which resulted in her getting blocked via e-mail.
Fast forward a few more years, I set up my genealogy information on Ancestry but I set my tree to private. Shortly AFTER I had set my tree to private, my account got hacked and a LOT of unverified CRAP was dumped into my database WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! (Yeah, I was LIVID about having my research F**KED with!) I notified Ancestry about the hack and the hacker was located...one of those "descendants"! His account got suspended because he violated Ancestry's rules. The moment his suspension was lifted, he immediately contacted me...wanting to access my account AGAIN! He got a SWIFT NO!
In 2014, the last remaining sibling died and I did what I thought was right and notified the "descendants" about my brother's death. All I got back was crickets. So I decided to let go of my last remaining effort to maintain contact and stopped sending the sole Christmas card to one of them.
This past year, I got a NASTY communication on Facebook from one of the "descendants", throwing flying monkey $h!t about how SELFISH I am because I have my tree set to private and that I have NO right to privacy! That little b!tch got IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED!
Then a few months ago, one of my second cousins emailed me about a strange communication he received from a total stranger asking for family information. He knows that I'm the Family Historian and asked me if I would reply. I was willing to do so until I saw who had contacted him....the NASTY little b!tch who threw monkey $h!t on Facebook! I had to diplomatically explain why I was NOT going to be contacting that inDUHvidual!
Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I get a strange e-mail from some dude...using my formal name, trying to get all cozy with me. The only folks who insist on using my formal name are....the "descendants". The stranger also got immediately BLOCKED!
This uptick in contacting attempts from this bunch is irritating!
I have NO interest in having anything more to do with them. They have NEVER treated me like family so they need to get the message and F**K OFF!!!!