The pieces are coming together:
The 3 men are serenity, courage, and wisdom – from the serenity prayer. I have always identified with that prayer.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference
They represent three pieces of me that I once had, but were split off. They are still there – but aren’t fully integrated yet. Together, and as males, they represent the fourth component – strength and (yes – Hops very, very much) a spiritual father figure of comfort and protection that I never had in real life.
Iphi - I had not thought that the graffiti was self-hatred. But you are right the house represented my past and me – there is definitely a component of self-hatred. Wisdom apologized for painting the graffiti. I initially thought that Wisdom did this before he became wisdom – but he didn’t. He was very wise, even then. I was so, so angry as a child, but because I was so terrified of that anger (and what would be done to me if I dared to express it) I converted it into self-hatred and I did it very, very well. It was easier to live in that house hating myself rather than my family. Then I acted out in many ways to fulfill that self-hatred – which caused others and myself a lot of pain.
The apology from wisdom:
being accountable, feeling regret, and asking for forgiveness and reconciliation
I need to forgive myself as much as I need to forgive my family, probably more so. I always applied the serenity prayer to circumstances outside myself – never inward.
The call from my father even though it threw me into another panic attack, was good. It was a reminder of why it was so essential that as a child I allowed the self-hatred and buried the anger. It also told me what is preventing me from fully re-integrating wisdom, serenity, and courage - my fear of anger (my own and other’s) and my inability to accept myself.
My head is spinning.
Thank you all so much – you have all made such a profound impact on my life – in this thread alone – I cannot thank you all enough.