Author Topic: Asserting Myself---  (Read 23147 times)


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2007, 09:21:39 PM »

Hi Stormchild

That is a wonderful article. I stay out of the sun (but I got skin cancer anyway) and all those other benefits sound wonderful. I NEED THEM. I'll print that and take to the doctor. He might not know.

How did you come up with that so fast?--or did you already know. I didn't know!


Hi Iz

I discovered Dr. Gaby when my cardiologist discovered that I had a fractured vertebra [chest X-ray showed it] and it turned out I had osteopenia from spending years and years tending to dying loved ones and working full time and eating badly and sleeping badly and doing nothing for myself.

Dr. G wrote a book called 'Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis' which was years ahead of its time. I was already very interested in alternative medicine and this just focused my interest. I've been tracking vitamin D research for years now.

As you have described your symptoms over time it's sounded more and more like vitamin D deficiency could be part of the problem. And after I got 'scurvy' from not being able to take my vitamins when I had the ulcer, I'm really convinced that vitamin deficiencies may be very common in our indoor, sedentary society.

But your situation is such that you really must work with a doc, experimenting could be dangerous. I'm glad you found the article useful and that you'll talk to your doctor...

((((( )))))

this too shall pass....

.... PS among the other amazing things Vitamin D does, it appears to inhibit certain forms of cancer, including some types of skin cancer.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2007, 08:07:44 PM »
Hello Darling One-

I am so sorry to hear about your leg and its attendant troubles- I only wish that I could help you in a concrete way. When I had my accident I was in the hospital and at recovery places for several months. When I was finally sent home, my NH lived in an apartment and my "friend " to whom I had lent my car did not pick me up at the hopsital as planned(I waited for hours until I got a taxi- and had the car repo'ed from her ASAP). Initially I had home health nurses and therapists come (I couldn't walk or get into the wheelchair yet). I paid a neighbor to bring food once a day. When I was able to go to physical therapy, a Medivan came with steps that I couldn't get up with a walker- I had to crawl, while keeping the Frankenfoot elevated- it took a long time! It was very hard and disheartening, and I really hate that you are also left in the lurch like that!!!! You deserve better!!!!
If you have a neighbor who you are friendly with, perhaps they can take you shopping or shop for you, get your meds, etc, take you to the doctors? Do they have a public transportation system specifically for the disabled where you are (they do here now and it is pretty good- you get vouchers, make appointments, etc)?
Greens, such a collard greens, are a more efficient method of delivering vitamin D, etc., than are pills, milk, etc, they are very vitamin-dense, and the vitamins assimilate well. Perhaps you could eat some- they really help the bones- the lack of weight-bearing may be one of the major causes of the fragility of your lower limbs, and it is essential that you get all of the nutritional support possible. Have you tried electrical muscle stimulation- in my case, it helped to stave off atrophy , helped circulation, tendons and helped the bones that were "melting away" from disuse.
I'm sure you already know this, but sodas, coffee, etc are verboten when one is trying to build up the bone mass. Do you have a pool therapy facility in your area? We have a great facility nearby, with an underwater treadmill and other things that help to simulate weight-bearing exercises that cannot be done out of the water. You cannot do this now of course, but later perhaps in order to stop the trend of bone breaks.
I am sorry that you are so tired- I get that way when I am overwhelmed and cannot cope anymore with the pain and stress and having to use so much effort to accomplish commonplace things alone. Do you have any sort of insurance that covers a home health nurse or home help? If not, can you afford to hire someone a day or two a week? Can a sib or two come out and help? Or other family? How about the old boss/wannabe boyfriend?
I am very concerned for you Izzy, and am putting you prominently on the prayer list at my church.

Devoted Love to Queen Izzy,


« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 09:34:47 PM by changing »


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2007, 03:00:47 PM »
Thank you Hops, Pops, lighter
Stormchild and changing
for making my days brighter

Nothing happens on Sunday.
Community Care Intake will call back in order of need.
We have handicap buses, but I am not yet registered. Will take taxis.

I can still do almost everything from the wheelchair, such as cook and load the dishwasher, compute, TV, go to bathroom, sit on can to wash from tub right beside, and bed. Need linen change though.

Office girl will bring and pickup re work. (Wednesdays)
Trying for Dr. app.t Thurs----

When my falling first began diarrhea was what I deduced had weakened me and it would appear that is it again, and was one time in between. Need more info there, and the Vit D discussion with Doc.

Arms are much stronger now and most all over aches and pains have gdone.....just shoulders now.

Library is all accessible. I just have to get there and only 2 blocks, as are Drug Store and Bank.

You sure had a time, changing. I was on the verge of asking the Dr. to send me to physical therapy to strengthen my legs--I used to have far more exercise when I used the crutches as well.......Not since last break (left ankle) in 2003.... and I also have a 'crooked ' foot that was seemingly becoming worse, really turning inward when I stood and changed the direction of my knee, for locking. I was going to ask about doing something to straighten my foot, for the coming years. I could even take a hammer and smash the hell out of it, put it in place and not feel anything.

No old men or siblings to help as they all live in Ontario.  Even the CC-Intake person wouldn't have much to do.

Things I have not yet tried,
Making my bed,
marketing, using car for that and appointments.

I can dress myself and dial a cab, so am okay for now.
Will update
I SO appreciate the care and concern you've all shown.


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2007, 05:38:35 PM »
Plucky and Feisty Girl-

You certainly are recovering quickly! Perhaps while you are waiting for Community Care you can hire a cleaning service to change the linens and such? In the interim, get yourself an orthopedic surgeon specializing in feet for a consult to ascertain the mysterious origin of the foot turning- could be improper alignment of ankle after the break or tendon tightening; appointments for after the healing period for physical therapy ; and some fresh carrot juice and greens (if available). In the future, we will line up a group of strong and healthy suitors with well-honed domestic skills, who also know  how to squeeze fresh juice and cook greens properly.

You are very precious to me- I am hoping and praying for a fast healing and a magnificent outcome for you! Please let us know how you are.

Love you very much,


P.S. I liked your palette-Are you starting a painting?




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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2007, 06:26:58 PM »
hi changing,

I was just reading, through Google, about tib/fib breaks, looking for a time span.

Wow! They apparently are the worst. Painful, and 'walkies' are operated on, given rods, screws and other hardware. It's a long healing process etc. 9 months?

..................and here I sit 5 days later in no pain and just a cast, since I'm already in a w'chair. The only problem is the top of the cast is gouging inner and outer thigh, so I'm sure that will be adjusted tomorrow.

Re my foot. I fell many many years ago, when on  my crutches and broke that foot. Unfortunately, the x-ray did not show any breaks, so the swelling and bruising had to go all the way down, for me to realize, it had broken and had healed improperly. There had always been a slight turn inward as though I bear weight on my arch. (That foot is NOW in this cast)

I had  just recently noticed that my foot was almost turning on its side when I stood to put the chair in. When that happened, the knee above would swivel a quarter turn, inward facing other knee, from being straight-locked (I seldom, if ever watched my feet when doing the chair thingy, in and out) and being that I watch what I do I looked back up and afterward wondered if that knee hit my other one and made me 'drop'.

That was the foot I was going to have looked I wait.....9 months I'll bet.

Thanks for the men--when do they arrive?
Thank you for caring. I didn't bother telling anyone in the family, as they can do nothing. Just people at work know, some in my building saw my grand return with the cast,  my therapist and here.............

The palette is just an image, for colour, as are many others I use!

or action

Love Izzy

You take care too, now. What is your current medical situation?

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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2007, 06:30:02 PM »
Ummmm.... so have you gotten any help lined up at your building, the libray..... grocery store yet?

BTW.... you are one tough cookie and definately on my Hero list, Izz.


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2007, 06:38:32 PM »
Thank you Hops, Pops, lighter
Stormchild and changing
for making my days brighter

Community Care Intake will call back in order of need.
We have handicap buses, but I am not yet registered. Will take taxis.

I can still do almost everything from the wheelchair, such as cook and load the dishwasher, compute, TV, go to bathroom, sit on can to wash from tub right beside, and bed.

Office girl will bring and pickup re work. (Wednesdays)
Trying for Dr. app.t Thurs----

Arms are much stronger now and most all over aches and pains have gdone.....just shoulders now.

Library is all accessible. I just have to get there and only 2 blocks, as are Drug Store and Bank.

You sure had a time, changing. I was on the verge of asking the Dr. to send me to physical therapy to strengthen my legs--I used to have far more exercise when I used the crutches as well.......Not since last break (left ankle) in 2003.... and I also have a 'crooked ' foot that was seemingly becoming worse, really turning inward when I stood and changed the direction of my knee, for locking. I was going to ask about doing something to straighten my foot, for the coming years. I could even take a hammer and smash the hell out of it, put it in place and not feel anything.

No old men or siblings to help as they all live in Ontario.  Even the CC-Intake person wouldn't have much to do.

Things I have not yet tried,
Making my bed,
marketing, using car for that and appointments.

I can dress myself and dial a cab, so am okay for now.
Will update
I SO appreciate the care and concern you've all shown.


hi lighter

That saved retyping.

Thank you for thinking of me, and WOW I am a hero!!!!!!!


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2007, 08:57:44 PM »
I guess that means you haven't asked anyone to help you with getting into or out of your car? 

To the bank, library... etc?

Did I miss something in that post.... I've read it twice now: /


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2007, 09:20:07 PM »
When I go to the bone clinic tomorrow--I mentioned somewhere--excuse if not here--they will fix the top of my cast so it will not cause me pain and I can use my car

Library is accessible to me, as is the Bank, as is the Drug Store, and supermarket. 
Linda will bring my work.
I have used a wheelchair for quite a few years to cook, clean, shop, 'walk, run and dance'

Community Care Intake will call back in order of need.
is re making bed, taking me places/run errands, doing laundry.

Please don't worry so much. I have managed through other breaks and casts.  Before computers, I crocheted a huge afghan for my daughter--white, pearl gray, pink and deep rose, --zig-zag pattern

EDIT I guess I never mentioned that I can put the chair into the car from a seated position, takes longer, but can do, and would do if I thought my legs were weak.
Any time I have fallen is when I thought I was gaining strength and could stand to do it!
Please forgive the ommission

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« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 09:34:43 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2007, 10:27:39 PM »


I love having the opportunity to know you.  You know how to get stuff done.  You know what it means to overcome. 

Sending tender hugs...



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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2007, 11:12:41 PM »
My Dear-

Ooh that cast-looks heavy! 9 months is a long time- you certainly will have a sufficient period to work your feminine wiles upon a few hapless suitors by then. They can help out as well as take the edge off the boredom of recuperation. My foot and leg are much better, thank you. The swelling has lessened, the color better (hey Izzy, why do even your photos of injuries look so good,while mine look hideous in a Frankenstein sort of way, almost worthy of an old-fashioned freak show- now I'm sure that you have a Dorian Gray type secret)- but the pain is not resolving to its usual level- I have major prescriptions, but my genius man doctor told me to use them sparingly, as they won't be as effective when the bone pain is at its highest level. The nerve pain is always there (another Rx.) Unlike you, Miss "Bomar Brain", I only have a few gray cells left, so I can't drug myself into oblivion while in law school. There are no joints left in the foot as per my xrays - I'm waiting for them to grow a new and improved cloned one! Back surgery healing seems complete. In short- if I were a horse they would have put me out of my misery! Luckily I have you to inspire me! Accidents, broken leg, wheelchair, etc, and you are still the best darned worker ever to have graced the planet!!! What a woman!!! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! You have set the bar very high, Woman!
You are an amazing creature and I am honored to have the privilege of corresponding with you.

Love and Best Wishes,


P.S. By the way, how did you get that picture of me and NH  with our trusty mallets?




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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2007, 12:17:14 AM »
hi tt
Thank you for your sweet e-mail.
I came back to tell you this:

A tib/fib is one of the worst breaks. One guy broke his tib and not his fib, so the doctors broke it for him (All reading from Google returns.) It's almost funny!

and it's for you too changing,

Oh the pain you must endure! I feel guilty in return! your bone and nerve pain will reach higher levels???? do you cry?
I don't. I just have a terrribly bruised inner thigh and an open sore on the outer thigh that hurt tremendously and I just grit my teeth. Also the top muscles of my upper thigh are overstreched and painful from lifting this heavy cast and I've just learned that to lay back on the bed and flip both legs over my head very quickly, it works that they get up there then I have a better, going with gravity-related hold to place the right where I want it.

That pic is a green fiberglass cast, with a white stocking over it so it won't rip the skin on my other leg--been there, done that, went to Roboboot, 2003.

No joints left? The muscles hold it in shape? Let's 'go to pasture' together when we feel the time has come! Should we go on horseback?

.....and you do give me too much credit, as I just do what has to be done to keep me sane! (My 3rd tib/fib, btw, in 23 yrs.)
.....BUT, I never attemped law school or such. I do SO admire you for that!

Still no suitors allowed in the picture! I couldn't resist you and your NH, for all the board to see....................

take good care, tt and changing

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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2007, 06:41:03 PM »
Hello Dear Heart-

Just checking on you. Have you gotten word on help in your domestic sphere or the medical situation? Hope you are more comfortable, the cast was straightened out, linens changed and such. I didn't bother you with my questions yesterday because I knew it was going to be a taxing one at the ortho doctor's office and you most likely would be exhausted. I surely wish that I could help in person.

With Love and Concern,



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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2007, 08:55:24 PM »
hi changing~~~~ and anyone else

Nope! My bed is a mess. I tucked the fitted corners back under last night. The linens looks as though a huge egg beater went at them.  One deals!! it won't last!!

Have paid for 4 taxi rides. I want to use my own car. New post coming up.

6-8" was removed from the top of my cast that relieves the 'pain' of bruising on the inside of my thigh, and the sore on the outside is actually all the way across the back of my thigh and open in two places, draining, very close to infection. All well now.

I get a new cast next Monday.

Was at therapy today! Back to the scene of the accident! and the Cab I booked for 4:00 didn't come to take me to the Dr. appointment I had. A young man with a cell helped. I called Dr. first and she had left, then I called Cab and told them they had missed my booking and I lost my appointment, but please come anyway!. Dr. app't was re Vitamin D and about my weakness, now 6 months (I checked as I first started therapy with a fat ankle and now another.) weakness was coming and going, then I realized it was TOO not right and had to check--not potassium, I expect.

Tomorrow Linda brings work to me and picks up what she left last week. Generously offered by her to help out!

Community Care Intake has not called and I need space, which I will have tomorrow, during business hours, to call and ask? or call someone else?

Damned taxis are not punctual as I am, so must get my car on the road again!

Therapy brought up a question.  I will begin a new thread!


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2007, 09:55:03 PM »
Hello Queen Izzy-

I am glad to hear that the torture-chamber cast has been altered. Those wounds you have suffered sound hideous, and the whole treatment incident seems that it could be below minimum standards of care- truly terrible. How could they have made such an error and left you to suffer for so long a period? Were the wounds themselves treated?
Lord, but I hate those Medi-vans, taxis and Access Vans that one must depend upon to get anywhere when driving is impossible. Always late, and pushing the incapacitated person who has been waiting to hurry, hurry, hurry, get in, get out! Of course, the doctors and others who always make one wait for long periods in the waiting room don't understand a patient's lateness of a few moments, and either the appointment is cancelled or there is unending scolding, etc.
I hope things get better and you have more reliable and less prohibitive transportation, Dear Girl. My heart just fell when I read about your predicament.I have been stuck like that and it was horrible- I was stretching my budget to take an expensive taxi just a short distance away- I was very hungry , etc. After I was dropped off and got food, etc., hopping and inching the walker along, the promised cab did not come as promised for the return trip.I was wearing a very heavy cast and could not put any weight whatsoever on my foot and it was throbbing as I stood waiting with the walker, keeping the foot up (I was supposed to keep it elevated at all times, and should have stayed home)- like you, someone helped me. But I hate thinking of you in that position, and I hope it never happens to you again.
How lovely that Linda (whose name actually means lovely) has offered her help! Fantastic!I am sure that she adores you like we all do, and it is nice to have someone you know and trust to assist. Oh Izzie- I wish that I could be of some help too. You are in my prayers.

