Hello Darling One-
I am so sorry to hear about your leg and its attendant troubles- I only wish that I could help you in a concrete way. When I had my accident I was in the hospital and at recovery places for several months. When I was finally sent home, my NH lived in an apartment and my "friend " to whom I had lent my car did not pick me up at the hopsital as planned(I waited for hours until I got a taxi- and had the car repo'ed from her ASAP). Initially I had home health nurses and therapists come (I couldn't walk or get into the wheelchair yet). I paid a neighbor to bring food once a day. When I was able to go to physical therapy, a Medivan came with steps that I couldn't get up with a walker- I had to crawl, while keeping the Frankenfoot elevated- it took a long time! It was very hard and disheartening, and I really hate that you are also left in the lurch like that!!!! You deserve better!!!!
If you have a neighbor who you are friendly with, perhaps they can take you shopping or shop for you, get your meds, etc, take you to the doctors? Do they have a public transportation system specifically for the disabled where you are (they do here now and it is pretty good- you get vouchers, make appointments, etc)?
Greens, such a collard greens, are a more efficient method of delivering vitamin D, etc., than are pills, milk, etc, they are very vitamin-dense, and the vitamins assimilate well. Perhaps you could eat some- they really help the bones- the lack of weight-bearing may be one of the major causes of the fragility of your lower limbs, and it is essential that you get all of the nutritional support possible. Have you tried electrical muscle stimulation- in my case, it helped to stave off atrophy , helped circulation, tendons and helped the bones that were "melting away" from disuse.
I'm sure you already know this, but sodas, coffee, etc are verboten when one is trying to build up the bone mass. Do you have a pool therapy facility in your area? We have a great facility nearby, with an underwater treadmill and other things that help to simulate weight-bearing exercises that cannot be done out of the water. You cannot do this now of course, but later perhaps in order to stop the trend of bone breaks.
I am sorry that you are so tired- I get that way when I am overwhelmed and cannot cope anymore with the pain and stress and having to use so much effort to accomplish commonplace things alone. Do you have any sort of insurance that covers a home health nurse or home help? If not, can you afford to hire someone a day or two a week? Can a sib or two come out and help? Or other family? How about the old boss/wannabe boyfriend?
I am very concerned for you Izzy, and am putting you prominently on the prayer list at my church.
Devoted Love to Queen Izzy,