Hi Pops,
As my healing progresses, I find myself in a state of restoration much like Ami described on another thread as I try to bring back those traits in myself I have lost or decided to hide away. I am learning to love "my way" of doing and being. I think I get stuck with my interactions with the world.
It was probably necessary when it happened, but when I dropped out of denial and went into recovery/renewal, I left all of the 'before' behind. I guess my thinking was , Look where that got you! Total disillusionment, disappointment, emotionally unskilled, brokenhearted, abandoned by the coping self that was birthed at about 2 1/2 years old for the sole purpose of protecting me from the unbearable. So there I stood alone, empty looking for a way to make a me. I think I deleted the posts, but I exclaimed to members here that I was searching for a way to make a me. I had no idea where to start. The only two sources I could think of were the Bible and a good book on etiquete. Looking back it all seems incongruous, but I was that bad off Pops. I didn't know how to go on. I stayed that way for a long while. A year or more. I kept pecking and pecking away at information looking for an answer to what had happened to me. Dr. G's essays were the most valuable for they gave me enough traction to get started. I had a few inklings before, but not nearly what would be necessary to fix me. But I kept at it. I was extremely ignorant about it all. Dysfunction was not a part of my vocabulary. Recovery was not a part of my vocabulary. I had enjoyed many personal successes, but there I stood, a shell. For all practical purposes I was invisible. There was no one inside. I should add that I had experienced many tragedies along with the successes. Multiple marriages and divorces. Then the sudden death of my two beautiful sons in a small plane crash. There was plenty to push me over the edge. Life came up from behind and kicked me good. Why am I telling you this on your thread where the focus should be on you not me? Well, it's because I want you to know that there is hope. I want you to know that even when you can't see or feel progress, you are moving ahead in the process of healing. I say it over and over here. Time is on your side. For the one dedicated to healing, it will come, but not all at once and not necessarily the way you envisioned. I know it is counter intuitive to suggest embracing the painful circumstances you're in, but if you can remember that as you move from one plain of understanding and healing to the next, only to experience a new kind of pain, progress is happening.
At some point, I went back and cautiously started reclaiming my past. So many good things had happened. Though it was probably necessary for that particular point in my healing to leave it behind for a while, reclaiming it was necessary for the restoration you spoke of.
I don't know all the answers. What I've said may not be useful. I hope it will minister to you in a positive way.