Hey gratitude:
I can relate this to.....
it's more about presenting life, to my children, so they have the best experiences they can.....
you're creating experiences and frames of reference for them.....
it'll be with them the rest of their lives.
How do you want their experience to be different from yours?
What DON'T YOU WANT TO REPEAT? (don't dwell on this one)
Now.... what do you want to create?(do dwell on this one: )
Maybe you can sort'a grow up again, through them, and experience better things yourself?
Mindfully think about what you DO want them to have.... feel.... see.... experience.... remember.
Plan for it.
Push aside the negative feelings and memories.... or keep moving through them........ and hope you can come out on the other side?
Don't let them stop you, in other words.
Conquer, for your children's sakes.
I'm rambling but....
I'm having a very blue, wanna throw up all moring kinda day.....
and then I pass a park and wish my children were with me.... there at the park. And I'm so glad.... just really a respite when they come to mind, unbidden.
I want them to have a good life.
I want to see their eyes light up.
Sometimes I think my children are truly the best thing in my life and I don't ever want to look back and wish I had this day with them, to do over, because I failed to give them the experiences, tools, information, hugs, laughter..... whatever it is I could miss out on with them.... instert it here.
I want to experience each day through their eyes.... fresh eyes.....
I fear looking back with longing and regrets.
When I read your post.... I feared it for you. (talk about projection, eh.. lol?)
I don't think I could bear that, though.
So far...... there will be very few regrets, as I see it.
Now..... to plan my day and look forward to seeing my children's smiling faces in this lovely cool weather we're sooooo enjoying: )
What do I want them to remember about it?