My Dears-
It is Sunday, after a tumultuous week. I have been getting everything boxed and moved out of the house, consulting with lawyers, memorizing bailbondsmen's numbers, etc- I could not walk, even with a cane or walker, last night or this morning, due to overdoing it physically, and lay helplessly as I heard my dogs calling (it was a temperate evening, and they have water, food, a large white shed that looks like a house and a laundry porch that the can open and close the door to to sleep in if they wish) and cats mewing. When I could go a few steps today, not steady mind you, and went into the front with my big puppy boy- he barked furiously at a drunken? deranged? man who came by and wouldn't leave, until the puppy scared him off- thank goodness for my Samson(though he is young, boisterous, and tough to manage and train when my foot completely shuts down)-I feel so vulnerable and incompetent.
I don't know what is going to happen- I will continue to do my best- and try to accept the outcome with grace. You have helped so much.
Love to All,