NH decided to show up today with the police- as per my previous post, he had agreed to get a release from the psych to get his guns back, didn't want me to turn the guns in at the station, didn't want any trouble with the lawsuit against his former employers. So I took him at his word- But he lied to me... Instead he brought the police and told them that I refused to give him his things and such (such a lie- he is ruining my life). He was quite smug, and they threatened to arrest me . They said if the guns hadn't been here they would have...I couldnt find things at first, and they brought out the cuffs, etc. My house looked ridiculous with the boxes of his stuff in front with a tarp (although the female supervisor said the my porch, house, and yards were very pretty, asked about things that I had done there) and I felt like I was going to be on Cops! with that pile of boxes ( I usually do not have that sort of thing, but spent my days off school dragging that stuff with a cane in one hand) I missed turning in my paper that counts 40% of my grade at law school and missed classes as well. I have been doing so well, at least so far. I am doomed. This is very bad, indeed. I feel sick and defeated. If I get arrested I am out of school. Who knows what he will do now.They say not to start law school when you are getting a divorce, but I felt compelled to, with my age and health. This is such a blow to me- I don't know what I will do now.
It was horrible, neighbors came to watch the show and talk and talk to the cops. I was ordered to stay down , as if I were a major threat with my cane. I had to keep down with my hands empty, no cell phone calls, etc., and he stood up there leaning and impassive, lying to the cops, looking down at me. I just want to die, I can't escape this. I am very private, and now I look so terrible to my neighbors, and the police have a record of this with my name on it. NH is probably off of his medication. I have ordered a company to move all of the stuff out of my house in the morning and store it for a month( I said for renovations) I can't afford this, but I want to have no problems for me or the pets, when he strikes next time. He still wouldn't take his boxes out front. I am so sick over this, and afraid of the next round. He seemed upset when the cops left, that he hadn't finished me off, no arrest , etc. I just wonder what he had told them to have them ready to arrest like that. My life is over.